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Showing content with the highest reputation since 01/14/14 in all areas
47 points
Gorge run today. Started out at the Vista House where 60-70mph winds nearly claimed my hat. Coldest windchill I've ever personally experienced, guesstimating it was around -10. Went down to the waterfall corridor and not surprisingly it got progressively more frozen the further east you went. Horsetail was completely frozen over at the basin. Also came across some snapped trees along the trail in the area near Wahkeena Falls. Wrapped up in Hood River for dinner with the kickass sunset and temps around 12.42 points
42 points
Well since we are on the subject…My dad passed away peacefully last evening. Rough stuff but both my sister and I have an odd calmness over us, he battled so many health issues since the late 1980’s which escalated in the early 2000’s and then nailed him hardcore in early August…Knowing he is no longer in pain (pain that I’m sure many people will never experience) is very calming. Definitely the strongest person I will ever be around when it comes to battling every infection that tried to get him for so many years, but he battled on and tried his hardest to not have it effect his life too much. One of the last things we talked about on Saturday when he was still semi coherent at the hospital was the Christmas lights I put up on the house and I told him that he taught me everything I know about exterior illumination as I was showing him pictures of my lit up house. I still remember being about 5 years old and helping him put up the Christmas lights, they were those big bulbed multi colored lights, it felt so magical helping him and seeing them light up the house knowing Santa was going to come now since he could see those bright lights! I always think of those times when I am putting up the lights that now my kids are helping me with!41 points
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On a personal note, one of my dogs (My avatar pic is of her.), has been missing for about a week and a half. Her disappearance has baffled me, she's 10 years old, she never runs off, and I was unable to track her at all in the snow. I was worried she had wandered off and fallen in a creek, through the ice on a pond, been killed by the cougar that has been stalking the hill, etc... The worst part was the not knowing. Anyways, my wife suggested today that I search animal shelters, and lost dog postings. Seems obvious, but the area we live in is so remote, it seemed out of the question she would be at a shelter, we posted on the local facebook page, and no one had seen her, so I had thought the worst had happened. But today we located her at a shelter in Vancouver, not quite sure how she got there, but it is definitely her... They said she did not like kennel life, and has been fostered up in Skamania County and has been LOVING the snow. Such unexpectedly great news, we'll be picking her up this evening. My guess is she made it to the highway, and someone passing through picked her up and maybe the lived up in Clark county so they dropped her off at the shelter up there. Very strange.34 points
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32 points
Happy Thanksgiving I just wanted to wish you all a happy and safe Thanksgiving holiday. I'm glad the weather will be cooperating for all of your travel destinations. This year it's very bittersweet since my brother suddenly passed this past June. It's just my Mother and I. That's my entire family now. It will be very scaled back. It gives me clearer perspective and appreciation for her more than ever and I'll need that. It's going to be rough. I also wanted to mention as tacky as it might sound? but I am thankful for this weather forum, all of the model riding, discussions, differing personalities, and humor. Definitely humor. Make the best of this holiday, and make new, lasting memories. Now let's get some Cold and SNOW! C'MON!!!!32 points
32 points
Made it to the cabin. Fire is stoked, beer, pizza, ready for the snow storm tomorrow. 10 to 16 inches forecast for Winthrop. Lot of friends thought I was crazy to drive over from the west side for one night but I wanted to be here for the first big snow fall. Going to watch football tomorrow and enjoy the day and head home after dinner.32 points
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Thanks @SilverFallsAndrew for coming and hanging out this morning. I don’t get a chance to interact with people since I’m stuck at home all the time. Truly a great friend and a reason I know we would have a blast whenever we do some sort of forum meetup. I’d love for any of y’all to stop by and see what it’s like here in the south valley. @Meatyorologist had the chance to see how unique and different this area is with its terrain profile and the furthest north extent of the empty west. Nice and chilly morning, currently 47F with increasing clouds.29 points
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28 points
Merry Christmas to all of y'all who have brightened my spirits and have shown me such graciousness. I'm grateful for all of you. Thank you for helping me overcome my struggles with epilepsy with this happiness.28 points
Hey just wanted to wish you all a safe, blessed, and Merry Christmas. If you are traveling to family or friends, I wish you safe travels. Sorry for my absence. I love this group and tracking events with you all, but when an event actually takes place and once my FB group setting is changed to [Winter Storm Mode] or [Snow Mode] all of my attention turns to my group, keeping many threads organized, and all of the Radar Updates, Gradient Updates, etc. It is my obligation. Wow! What a Winter Storm. To think we really were only brushed by that bitter trough, but a good chunk of it slid down into eastern Washington. That's all we needed. Highlights of the event. Lowest high temp: 19.0. Minimum temp: 15.1 .... We had an extensive period of east wind gusting 40-55mph, and then Friday around 2:30 AM the peak gusts of the storm blasted through. They were incredible strongest I've seen in many years easily 55mph+. I did manage a good accumulation of sleet, then some snow, and the heaviest snow flurry I've ever had tiny micro flakes though. PDX-DLS eclipsed -15mb during the peak as well! I managed a few pre-White Christmas pics too. We lucked out today avoiding an ice storm even though low level cold has hung on forever it seems closer to areas near the cold Gorge outflow. I did end up with .2" of ice, but not enough to ruin Christmas Eve plans! Merry Christmas!28 points
Did a deep dive on individual EPS members. Basically there is a small camp (10-20%) that are good members for cold and/or snow. The key to all of these is the interaction between the PV that forms in the central pacific. Any time it crosses the black line to the east it pushes the weak ridge over or near us which shoves the arctic trough east. The handful of members that had the PV to the west of the black line (often much weaker as well) the ridge was able to retro back towards the big Arctic ridge that wanders off. Today's 12z UKMET shows this (2nd pic) as well as EPS member 33 (3rd pic). The ones that shove the ridge over us and torch us, like EPS member 49, have a strong/big PV closer to 155W.28 points
Had a lovely trip to MT/WY. Ended up doing Yellowstone and the Tetons instead of Glacier. Stayed in Bozeman for a night and got to see some piles of Kayla's urban snow! Lotta snow still above 7000'. made the hiking tough but definitely got me in the mood for winter. Nice to see the models coming around almost on queue.28 points
Just returning tonight from two weeks in South America. Started out in Lima and then headed to Cusco and saw Machu Picchu. Then flew up to Ecuador and spent the last week in the Galapagos Islands, checking out the variety of protected national park landscapes and endemic plants and animals there. Had pretty nice weather for the most part. The cool late fall nights in the Peru interior got us down to freezing on a couple of mornings, and there was fairly regular mist and drizzle where I was staying in the central part of the islands. But sunny afternoons daily in the dry northern parts of the islands. The early sunsets were a bit of a shock to the system after such long days back home. Would love to spend a whole June-August down in Patagonia one of these years, and get a double dose of winter.27 points
27 points
I have been watching this forum for a couple days now. I’m new but you all have been very informative. It’s coming down pretty good as freezing rain in Gladstone/Milwaukie area.27 points
27 points
Apologies people can’t be as smart and as well informed as you are. as for the “worst of the worst”. It doesn’t seem any different than any other event. but you clearly know best.27 points
And I apologize for my meltdown earlier. My bad day doesn't need to be projected onto y'all. I truly hope folks get snow and get to post amazing snow photos. Esp @MR.SNOWMIZER @snow_wizard @SilverFallsAndrew @TT-SEA @Meatyorologist @MossMan @Deweydog @Cold Snap and @iFred plus lots of others. Y'all are a class act and I'm truly grateful for this forum.27 points
Fine. I’ve been lurking here for years. I live in Shoreline and do hyperlocal forecasting for friends between the ship canal and Everett since about 2018. I also work with mutual aid groups to help homeless communities get prepared for bad weather. I moved from Mississippi where I was into tornado and hurricane prediction and fell in love with Seattle weather during 2008 when I lived on Cap Hill. I was a UW grad student and therefore a Mass-hole for several years as I learned the region’s dynamics. I definitely have my favorite and not-favorite posters on this forum, too. I’ll let you guess who. I always thought it’d be bad luck to create an account preceding a possible snow event but never got around to it otherwise. So if this event busts, I blame Garfield.27 points
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33F and snowing moderately. Very nice to see. Hope you all get some snow before the week ends.27 points
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This leaderboard is set to Vancouver/GMT-07:00