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Everything posted by luvssnow_spokane

  1. If you look closely, the swamp is clearly shadowed by the Olympics. It will verify! DON’t tell me it won’t as I got this From Professor Busters meteorological contact. Truth!
  2. This will not verify until there is a well defined snowless donut hole directly over the swamp. After you see that in the models you can lock it in. It is close as it is about the only place with a giant blob of 33 degree rain over it.
  3. Remember way back when the snow fall maps used to look like this in January? Those were the days!
  4. I feel your frustration. Pretty much a non-event for a good portion of south sounders down to Portland. A week ago there was so much promise in model run, after model run, and we basically end up with scraps.
  5. In Tukwila it is nearly dead calm, and no snow to be seen. Currently 39/40 degrees.
  6. To bad, this could not be one of those events where that massive low pressure system pulled in more cold air while throwing moisture (snow) over the top. That would have been fun. This slow moving northern offshore path just sucks!!
  7. The SWAMP is the first so show rain. LOL!! classic... This is why we call it the "swamp"!
  8. The southern side stuff will mostly dissipate before it gets here. True phantom snow.
  9. Okay... we get it. You live in the best and most snowiest place ever
  10. AND it is all pretty much heading north/central. The outcome is sadly the same for down here. I hate snow anyways, so who cares.
  11. There is a nice big swath of moisture off the coast that wants to head my way.... The last two days when these show up the dissipate around Olympia... If I were a betting man I would say exactly the same thing will occur as before.
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