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Everything posted by SnarkyGoblin

  1. so...not all working people. I'm totally shocked the fraudster is a fraud with his words yet again.
  2. Conservatism always looking out for the "working folks". Am I right, @SilverFallsAndrew? https://www.nola.com/news/politics/legislature/la-lawmakers-vote-to-remove-lunch-breaks-for-child-workers/article_ef234692-fd9e-11ee-99f5-771c7366107a.html
  3. So I actually read about that yesterday. Apparently, it's because the urban areas have larger storage facilities for water and can plan accordingly pretty far in advance. The non-urban core is more dependent on consistent snow runoff due to having less storage.
  4. A consequence of untethered capitalism where shareholders are prioritized above everything else. Eff Unions. Eff good wages. Eff controlling your supply chain. All that to spend the money saved on dividends and stock buybacks. You know...for the "working people." I'm going to France in 2 weeks and intentionally booked a flight with airbus. Between the Netflix and Frontline documentaries and the news coming out of random stuff happening to Boeing planes, I just didn't want to take the risk. Probably a bit irrational but I'm of the opinion "when it rains, it pours" with this stuff.
  5. Beautiful chilly and sunny morning in Seattle. Birds sound happy. My second favorite kind of weather behind snow.
  6. Bull fuc*ing s*it. You are a troll through and through. You don't care about facts or truth or anything else aside from your extremely narrow view of this world. I'm not gonna engage with someone who I have zero respect for. Less than zero, in fact. It's sad because at one point in these topics, you were normal and reasonable. Something changed the last 3 or 4 years.
  7. All you do is troll and lie to "prove" some point Doesn't matter what post i quote. It's all terrible
  8. Ban ban ban ban ban ban ban. This POS doesn't deserve our eyes.
  9. Isn't it well established that walls do not work and are easily circumvented? Try worrying about something else in your life aside from foreigners for a change.
  10. That truck is such an ugly POS that barely functions as a truck. I really wonder about the longevity of stainless steel - really feels like a rusty nightmare waiting to happen. The only good looking car they've ever made was the OG Model S.
  11. This makes me so happy. Down another 15% today. Do these investors think there's any chance for this company when Trump is dead?? If only it wasn't so expensive to short it...
  12. I hope Andrew invested every penny of his savings. https://wapo.st/4ayuwJl Company spent $62M to make $4M in revenue last year. And to think this guy got elected for his business savvy.
  13. Apparently not listening to the US to not escalate.
  14. Your opinions are starting to make sense. I might also be off the wall crazy if my starting point was that the apocalypse was near. I might be reaching for anything and everything for a sign to confirm my beliefs.
  15. Yes, just like how every verified user on Twitter couldn't be a troll. Whether it's a guy in his basement playing video games or a Russian troll - it doesn't matter. We don't/shouldn't care what they're saying.
  16. Do you honestly think you're going to see the Armageddon?
  17. Dude. You're talking about a random person on the Internet. Who cares?!? That could be a Russian troll or an AI bot. Your generation....
  18. Heeeeeere comes the drones What a world we live in....
  19. And Russian-think pervades in your domain. Almost sounds word-for-word of something you puppeted from the bowels of the internet. https://wapo.st/3PSCYuQ
  20. Good gravy. So when they say such a severe anomaly has never happened, you think that's just a lie? I swear your arrogance sometimes....
  21. ‘Simply mind-boggling’: world record temperature jump in Antarctic raises fears of catastrophe | Climate crisis | The Guardian Another depressing statistic. 38.5 degress Celsius above their normal for the day. Imagine if that were to happen anywhere else in the world.
  22. Rural America is vastly over-represented in our government. If their representatives are failing them, then they should change their vote. They have a tremendous amount of electoral power. And this is very important to remember: So ya - it's a failure of politics by the Democrats, not policy. Which is disappointing but nothing new. Dems are terrible at the politics.
  23. It's not particularly fun for most people to respond to unhinged people like yourself.
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