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Everything posted by SilverFallsAndrew

  1. I would love to keep rampant highs in the upper 70s until at least early May.
  2. By the way I am starting to think we see a weak to low end moderate Nina. We just haven't gotten the big crash yet. NINO region 3.4 is still in moderate Nino territory.
  3. Quite a bit of improvement by Saturday night/Sunday morning though on this run!
  4. I agree with Jesse on this one. Terrible situation unfolding across the West.
  5. That's awesome. I'll see Joe and hopefully DONALD in Vegas Saturday night for UFC.
  6. Have you seen Joe Rogan or Matthew McConaughy?
  7. Looks like constant ridging. This is what Jesse must have been looking at.
  8. I feel you Phil. I thought I had pink eye last year, but it was actually Cellulitis. Pretty much swelled one of my eyes shut. Some pretty horrific stuff. Also I don't see unending ridging for the PNW either.
  9. My Jewish friends are devastated by the IDF withdrawal. They believe this is the end of Israel.
  10. The soil moisture in central Oregon is still below average. I was noticing that today. It can take years to recover from a severe drought. We aren’t fooling around here! (Dramatic enough?)
  11. Oh yeah. Though late summer is more humid than say, Oklahoma, it’s not quite as hot and there can be some cool days. We had a clipper come through once when I was there and it was lovely for a couple of days afterwards.
  12. My grandmother lived across the river from you in Ironton. It was always hot in the summer when we visited. Putridly humid!
  13. Some would say this is just theatrics and you are losing your mind!
  14. 40 and cloudy. Yesterday was a complete blessing. The land drank it up!
  15. But but but but but it rained the other day. It can’t be droughty now. The one percent had to stay in their mansions all day!
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