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Anti Marine Layer

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Everything posted by Anti Marine Layer

  1. As expected the inversion is brute force and we won't see much clearing today or tomorrow or the next day or the day after that or the following day or... and it's not even May 1 yet.
  2. The sea scum has already deepened quite a bit this morning.
  3. Lots of people at the pool today. That's what happens when you have the first nice weekend in eons.
  4. LeBron James deserves to lose, especially after expressing his support for the CCP regime.
  5. Looks like another stupid Omega Block may be forming to burn down Canada and freeze California.
  6. There's probably lots of people with Jesse's blood type there who savored it.
  7. Looks like Canada is going to be ablaze again soon as last spring tries to repeat itself.
  8. I wonder if there was any measurable shitzzle this morning.
  9. Climate change is making the PNW warmer and California cooler.
  10. Leftists only pretend to care about people. Their classic strategy is to claim concern for some group, and use that group to fool people — specifically, naive liberals, who share few values with the Left but have frequently served as useful idiots. Socialists don't really care about workers In the USSR they disbanded independent labor unions and outlawed strikes The CCP claimed to care about peasants, but slaughtered about 60 million of them Today in California, the leftists make citizens pay huge taxes to provide free healthcare for illegal immigrants, including kids who think they are trans and get their sex organs chopped off and replaced with fake ones of the opposite gender In California they have also made the minimum wage so high that companies are laying off workers because they can't afford to pay them that much Teacher's unions don't care about students During the pandemic they shut down schools for up to 2 years even though COVID was not dangerous for kids. They were angry when they had to open up. Poor students fell behind because they could not do online courses They oppose school choice even though most students support it They make it nearly impossible to fire incompetent teachers Teachers coach students to hate themselves, their country and their religious traditions and sexualize young children. If you disagree you're called racist, homophobic, transphobic and other names. Civil rights organizations don't care about Black people Like teacher's unions the NAACP opposes school choice, even though 73% of blacks support it They consider it racist to be colorblind, or believe that skin color is no more significant than hair color or eye color Feminist organizations don't care about women Major feminist organizations support men who say believe are women participating in women’s sports, even though there's more cisgender women who oppose this than trans people who support it If you disagree with this view, you are called transphobic and could lose your job They say career is more important than marriage and family, and women can do just fine without a man to love LGBQTIA+ organizations (e.g. Queers for Palestine) don't really care for LGBQTIA+ people They support Hamas even though Palestinian queers have no rights; they face persecution and even death if they expose themselves to their society In Israel, queers are by far the safest, happiest and freest in the Middle East
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