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Everything posted by GHweatherChris

  1. Upper levels definitely cooling, things don't look to transition to snow for at least a few hours per models.
  2. Definitely no virga, 38 and raining currently, well on the way to nada - 9 inches!!
  3. I have no idea, I don't live anywhere near Chehalis.
  4. I would not be surprised to get up to 4 inches here, really a best case scenario and perfect set up for the Chehalis Gap.
  5. That's enough criticizing others for one day man, take a break. Yes, I know you will say you aren't doing that, but you are, you won't admit it, but you are....
  6. Tested + for the vid for the first time today, cheers!! Had a 48/42 day here today, and it was a wee bit...... bacon-moist-audiotrimmer.mp3
  7. How does one not that long ago go from preaching about how they don't worry about emojis and people using them and then become someone totally infatuated with them and have to post incessantly and psychotically about what emojis are being used.... again, just asking for a friend. Good night all.
  8. I didn't say anything about liking you or not, I have never said I don't like you but it would be refreshing to see you admit some fault and blame instead of acting like what you are doing (quite a bit of recently) is needed, it is not not needed and not productive, like I said you are worse than anyone else on here in regards to it. Nothing anyone else has said on here should have prompted you to rant on about it twice in the last 2 days, sure make one post and move on as someone else said earlier, don't need you making multiple posts quoting multiple comments to make a point, just move the eff on and be done with it.
  9. I have laughed at that scale forever, it's like hmmmmm ok then!
  10. You were the kid in school that always had to be right weren't you..... we are all adults here, I think, even my wife saw some of how you have been posting the last couple days and literally said, "what is wrong with this guy". Anywho, if this is happiness to you, embrace it I guess.
  11. Da fuq, you been doing it hardcore the last 2 days, it doesn't matter who it is, you have been doing it and then denying it, acting like they "deserve it", no one else does that as maniacal as you do, it's crazy.
  12. Since when did getting a wiener become negative, multiple people on here expressed similar criticism today to how your are posting and yet you still think it is an us problem when it is just a "you" problem. You are multiple times worse "calling out" people on here than anyone else, post after post after post and then you think putting up a hey look, this model shows a chance of snow makes everything better.
  13. I wanna know how to be convinced I never mock anyone while I am actively mocking someone.
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