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Canadian guy

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    Victoria, BC

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  1. Oh I’m well aware it’s likely just following cold Enso but it is fun to look at and gives me some hope. We have been stuck in such a blah pattern that seems inevitable that the worm will turn eventually. With AL pattern likely setting up the week leading up to Christmas hopefully things will turn for the better around new years….or maybe it won’t and this will be a complete dud:(
  2. Can confirm there are some snowflakes falling in Victoria but super light.
  3. Been having some on and off very light mixed rain/snow/graupel showers this morning here in Victoria. Also at times some gusty outflow winds which feels nice.
  4. Temperature of 14F with a windchill of -4F here in Victoria. That is crazy cold for here. Definitely the coldest outflow I have seen since 1990.
  5. For the win- Cam Neely…originally a Vancouver Canuck
  6. That was such a great event for the South Island.
  7. We had about 2-3 inches in the Gordon head area of Victoria . Your elevation and being away from the water definitely helped you.
  8. Hopefully the trend continues over the next 24 hours to slowly increase the amounts in Victoria.
  9. EPS looking pretty good around the end of the month.
  10. The great thing about both of those winters was that there seemed to be something to track all season long (more so 2016/17). Hopefully we follow those years and something starts showing up in models soon.
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