I appreciate your candid thoughts on this summer. Completely relatable sentiments... Soaking in the sunlight with family is the only way I've been able to push away the melancholy.
Oh come on Tim, it's not like you weren't squeaming like a salted slug just a few weeks ago. What a low blow to deliver right when he's backing down; and after a week of record breaking heat nonetheless. It really does feel like watching a region die. Glaciers we've explored, named, and mythicized are vanishing
I just wonder how your reaction would be if all of the MSM was constantly spreading lies and misinformation about you, and many of your political opponents were trying to jail you with made up fake /phony charges, etc.
Wikipedia says 34".
The interesting thing is, despite how much snow more I average than points further south, for most of the winter it’s just like everyplace else in the lowlands, because the norm is still mild and rainy. It’s just a matter of having a few more chances for snow, and there being a higher rainfall, so those chances lead to heavier snowfalls on average.
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