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Posts posted by ChicagoToSeattle

  1. With the amount of ice on Lake Michigan, it will be a cruel Spring for many in the city and near the lake suburbs. March, April and May all have prevailing winds from the Northeast. That's why you'll get days in the 40's in the loop and 60s in the Western suburbs. This year inevitably will be worse as the lake is certain to be in the 30s come April. That's mighty cold and is the reason why I rate Spring in Chicago as my least favorite season (2012 being the once in a lifetime exception) Two years ago, it was 68 on 3/6 and we hit the 80s on eight different days -- crazy

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  2. I would totally agree with that, especially the American models, but all of them in general have overdone precip a lot this year.

    Snowstorms this year have been a mixed bag of systems -- many clipper types which we know are difficult to model. The traditional synoptic systems that tap into a verified moisture source such as the GOM have been pretty much on target. For example last week's rain in Chicago was pretty close to predicted precip levels.


    There was an interesting post by a well-regarded met out here, Cliff Mass that details the difficulties NWS models face because of a lack of computer horsepower http://cliffmass.blogspot.com/2014/02/where-is-national-weather-services-new.html . Geeky, interesting stuff.

  3. Meteorologist Gary Lezak (from Kansas City) developed the"Lezak Recuring Cycle" also known as the LRC.  He figured out a unique wx pattern that develops every year during the Fall around October 1 thru mid November.  This pattern then cycles through the next 10 months.  Each LRC Cycle is usually around 52-58 days long and you can use this tool to predict storm systems, troughs, ridges, etc.  It has been spot on this year tracking storms and we are seeing it come into fruition once again with the storms poised to hit our region for the next 2 weeks.  The most active part of the cycle is among us and should last throughout February.

    thanks! I recall reading about this a couple of years ago on the Accuweather boards. My memory was that it has validity but it was way off in the 2011-12 winter?

  4. 00z Euro Monday night lows....low/mid 20's subzero!!!  Chiberia round #2!!!!  Lake Michigan will become alive once again...

    Yikes, those are "barbarically" cold temps as Skilling likes to say. Speaking of Lake Michigan, here's the ice coverage as of a couple of days ago. As this winter progresses, the lake snow machine may start slowing down due to ice. Lake Erie is already at a point where lake effect is basically zilch.



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  5. JB has a brief write-up on Weatherbell, to summarize an extended period (16 days) of temp departures -12 to -20 below normal from Chicago through the mid Atlantic. He calls it "incomprehensible cold"  Those below zero days will continue to add up in Chicago. The record for a winter I believe is 25 days and I think ORD is around 12 right now. Another interesting record could be approached!

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  6. The snows that winter were almost all classic southwest storms--very few clippers and almost no lake snow


    Yes, there was probably lake enhancement as those lows traversed across IL and IN but from what I can remember they were all SW-based and moisture rich storms. As a ten year-old I learned about Pan Handle Hooks and Clippers too. This year is the first one where I can remember the lake playing such a definitive role in snowfall totals for Chicago. Snowfall totals for MSN and MKE are 10+ inches below ORD and that can be attributed to LES. 

  7. Hi All -- First time poster, but long time lurker. I may have recently moved to the Pacific Northwest but I will always follow the weather in Chicago/MKE.

    Thought it would be interesting to see where this month's snow at ORD ranks relative to the snowiest months:

    1. 1918: 42.5

    2. 1979: 40.4

    3. 1978: 32.3

    4. 2014: 29.7

    5. 1999: 29.6


    I vividly remember both 78 and 79 as that is when my interest in weather (snow in particular) really took shape. Given that there are still 10 days remaining in the month, the possibility of hitting #3 is very good.

    Any guesses where ORD will end up?

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