Will the GFS get even drunker or will it finally reflect on its life choices? Will any of us? Pretty scary thoughts... Thoughts I won't be conscious for in thirty minutes when my melatonin kicks in. Goodnight, freaks. Love you all.
No doubt. It kind of bums me out there was so little appreciation for it. I had frozen pipes here for the first time since I've lived in this house. Any containers of water I had outside froze so hard they expanded like I have never seen before.
It was an admittedly bitter airmass. A rare visit from the heart of the polar gyre. It landed us a half-arse'd blow yet still summed up to be the coldest low level outflow event since the granddaddy December 1968, delivering digits not seen since Dec 1990, yet without any of the upper level support or snowpack to assist. Old school flavouré. Even suppressed the jet down into OR just from the ancillary outflow. Pretty extreme for anything in our region's POR.
Very underrated IMO. Probably gets forgotten since it was a fun blip sandwiched betwixt two finely aged, freshly cooked, still-steaming clumps of El Niño dog doodoo. If anything there was more excitement in the heart of the PNW community later on in June when we started out with a cool start to summer...briefly. Ultimately though, it's probably that it didn't snow. It got record kold, sure, but no one cared cause it only colded, not cold and snowded. Life went on undisturbed for most people, sans their pre-work car cry freezing to the face. And Sisyphus laughs harder.