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snow_wizard last won the day on October 21

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About snow_wizard

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    Covington, WA

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  1. I remember years ago the ballot included Libertarians, Communists, The Constitution party, and others. Maybe SD doesn't do that. I haven't looked at my ballot for this election yet though.
  2. I just don't get how he can say what Israel is doing now is the worst thing he has ever seen when he witnessed the greatest mass slaughter in history. The two are absolutely incomparable.
  3. Dropped to 34 here this morning. Would have been an easy freeze if it had stayed clear.
  4. That's one thing I like about it here. It's already down to 39 here. My third sub 40 low so far. One of those had frost on the rooftops. I think you will get below 40 before the week is over.
  5. I agree. He has almost no choice given how bad his situation is. You aren't kidding about the tedious paperwork. I just spent months getting SSI and Medicaid for my disabled adult son. We could have done it a few years ago, but the paperwork seemed so daunting. It was, but it's worth it.
  6. Using the stock market as a gauge of how the economy is doing is dumb. I didn't like it when Trump did it either.
  7. Does he realize how stupid that sounds? He saw the freeking Holocaust where millions of people were killed. Last I saw Israel is a tad short of that.
  8. The SOI is trying to get its act together again. 3 consecutive days of double digit positive readings.
  9. The GEM is exactly like that a few days earlier as well. Things are getting very interesting now!
  10. Well said. I refuse to pass judgment on Israel when you look at the hell the Jewish people have been through. Those films I saw in school from the Holocaust are still burned into my brain.
  11. Sure. WA is hopelessly blue.
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