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snow_wizard last won the day on October 8

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    Covington, WA

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  1. I heard that 60 Minutes actually reshot one of the answers Harris gave in her interview, because they thought it was so bad. What a bunch of hacks.
  2. Yup. That is highly predictable. What the right might do if Trump loses is far from predictable. Maybe absolutely nothing.
  3. I wonder if there's anyone who doesn't know somebody in Florida. Just amazing!
  4. I wonder if the sting jet is anything like the "poisonous tail" that hit our area in Dec 2006.
  5. Having a hard time buying the 100+ on the East Coast.
  6. SEA only hit 61 today. Pretty cool for a day with a lot of sunshine.
  7. BTW. I listened to a DeSantis press conference about an hour ago, and the guy is just amazing. Just amazing how Florida has gotten everything perfectly lined up to deal with the hurricane. No doubt in my mind he is Presidential material.
  8. If I were Harris I would be extremely worried about that.
  9. They were dumb enough to re-elect Whitmer. Just saying I think WI and PA are much better prospects.
  10. The predecessor of Baker did have a VEI 7 a long time ago. At least as bad as Mazama. Most people don't even know that.
  11. 99% of the time it's pretty enjoyable to live there. It seems like everyone knows somebody that lives there. Everywhere has their Achilles heel. Here it will be earthquakes and tsunamis. Maybe a VEI 7 eruption every now and then.
  12. This trough here is starting to get quite respectable on the models. GFS shows max temps low to mid 50s for all of week two.
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