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snow_wizard last won the day on July 9

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    Covington, WA

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  1. It won't take long for many people to see through her.
  2. Not sure MN was ever going to be on the table for Trump anyway.
  3. Colville would be fun to look at for Jan 1862. Walla Walla is amazing enough.
  4. I have the microfilm for Fort Steilacom back to late 1849. An invaluable glimpse of our little ice age climate. The 1860s and 1880s were actually more exciting than the 1850s. I actually have those Fort Steilacom records digitized now.
  5. Seeing a lot of smoke in places on the visible sat pic.
  6. People need to remember the ECMWF seems to have a very wet bias for the Puget Sound region, and climo highly argues against anything near what it's showing. It would be the equivalent of a good 8 to 10 inch snow dump for SEA for rarity.
  7. I think your pro Kamala juggernaut is kind of off the rails today. I still see a lot of articles from the MSM conveying disappointment out there.
  8. I'm going with 0.40" for SEA. Even that would be one of the biggest rains ever for the time frame.
  9. Pretty good chance August is going to be hot....yet again.
  10. Dropped to 48.5 here this morning. First bub 50 low in the final third of July since 2011.
  11. Not this time of year. It's almost impossible for something like what's being shown to verify this time of year. It might, but it could still fall flat on it's face.
  12. Vance is sure getting a taste of the hate that gets directed toward anyone associated with Trump. The attacks against him are so empty.
  13. Their excitement is rooted in relief that Biden dropped out.
  14. Anti Israel is a non starter in this country. She's pandering to the whining college students that just did all of the embarrassing protests.
  15. Great post! There is SO MUCH legit stuff to go after her on.
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