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TigerWoodsLibido last won the day on May 11

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About TigerWoodsLibido

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    Springfield, OR 502'
  • Interests
    Winter weather, college football & basketball

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  1. Oregon would be happy to have the PNW's beisbol team. Nvidia guy could buy 'em and bring them to Oregon, using his connections to OS and by extension the Beavs blue blood progrum and find a way to generate hype.
  2. Beautiful day. Able to be outside with the kiddos a bunch. Old-school type feeling to this weather. An east wind event would be quite problematic if we don't get much rain, esp if lightning starts up more fires.
  3. The future of Springfield as well. Just a matter of time now...
  4. Rangers baby!! Got that 1961 curse of the Senators off their back last season. Sorry Mariners.
  5. Got down to 52F. Looks like a beautiful day incoming!
  6. A very pleasant 82F out there with beautiful sunshine. This is what our summer weather used to be like. A breath of fresh air.
  7. So once Agenda 47 goes into effect, please reassure me that this won't happen... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aktion_T4
  8. So Agenda 47 would get rid of NOAA, firing all its employees and banning any and all forecast discussions, discontinuing the GFS, banning foreign weather models and weather satellites, firing all pro meteorologists. If all weather models are privatized then the owners of those companies could just initialize the model runs in a bullshitt state and charge $500 a month to view it? So do we all get to just draw fantasy maps of what we want to happen? I don't post in here often but why would people want this? Is it meant to incite open rebellion to ensure the other group look like the aggressors?
  9. 10" over 3 nights in Dec 2021. Melted off the roads during the day. Some slop that melted before sunrise in March 2023 and 2024. Destructive ice storm of 2.25" in Jan 2024. So some notable events, but nothing significant in the snowfall dept since Dec 2021. If we have no snow on the roads again this season then it will be pretty depressing. And I have basically no hope of our family ever moving.
  10. Saw some lightning off to the west. We have some instability over us with some rain. Willamette Valley could see some action overnight.
  11. When I first joined this forum to this day it kinda feels like an online frat. I was fall rush 2017.
  12. Awesome pics! When voting for statehood and only having an option of yes or no, didn't the people of Puerto Rico write-in "remain a commonwealth of USA?"
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