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Andie last won the day on July 24 2019

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    Writing, General Science, Reading science and archeology
    Retired owner/operator of small chemical processing plant.

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  1. Seems to be her go to default setting. If she was a relative of mine, I’d vanish and change my name. Truly could not live with that bullshit day in and day out.
  2. Yeah. But the cost of having and raising children is gob-smacking! And look at the brood we have now?! Protesting things we bust our a** to build. No thanks. If they are the best we can do - to hell with it. Society doesn’t deserve defending. It’s a joke!
  3. 50%+ adults today say they don’t want children. Discuss https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2024/07/25/the-experiences-of-u-s-adults-who-dont-have-children/?utm_content=bufferdf8f1&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer-pew
  4. It’s early. It can flip a couple times if it remains close. The real race just started at the sound of a rifle shot. If it’s not manipulated it’ll be real interesting.
  5. I love how they’re already painting Kamala in new spring colors and light. Kinda like redecorating for a family reunion at your home. Fresh paint, new curtains, maybe some fresh flowers! Yeah. That’s the ticket…fresh flowers! A-bit like lipstick on the farmer’s pig.
  6. The last few days have been awesome. Now we’ll have to go back into the oven. I know how a Thanksgiving Day turkey feels. It’s been so pleasant in the 80’s with lower humidity to boot. Doesn’t seem fair. I love summer, but summer doesn’t love me! 89 Saturday, 93 Sunday then back into the oven at 97-100*. Humidity will stay in the 50’s so that’s a small reprieve.
  7. Bono Vows to Drive His Car Off a Cliff if Donald Trump Wins the 2024 Election.
  8. America is good about waffling and the pendulum swings. Makes me a little dizzy as I don’t give a $hit about being politically polite. I always hope Americans will learn that the nation is healthiest if it’s managed somewhat conservatively (not over board-save your breath). However, about every other generation goes a bit off its center bubble and “the children” have to learn old lessons. (Kinda sad really) Kamala will be one of those lessons. She’s as ‘goofy as a peach orchard bore’ but so be it. I’ll buy an extra really good bottle of whiskey, settle back, and enjoy the show. Y’all come. First round is on me.
  9. Low of 81 tonight and tomorrow a High of 89!! Sunday 93 Am I dreaming? Is this Texas in July? Pinch me.
  10. It always gets worse before it gets better in 21st century elections. They've become even more polarized. I enjoyed the good old fashion muck racking. Far more entertaining. No one is really swayed at this stage. Let the mud slinging begin!!
  11. Yeah, I’ve been bounced out of bed in Tucson. The lightning hits like the wrath of Zeus!!
  12. Government is the adult equivalent to Satire. I’m always amazed at some of the things people do or say in national power positions. Real show stoppers!
  13. After a quiet period Grindavik Volcano may be waking up. Scientists say the likelihood of a new eruption at the volcano in southwestern Iceland continues to grow as earthquakes rattle the region and magma pools underground, causing officials to raise the alert level in the seaside town of Grindavík.
  14. It’s just difficult to see the Left getting all worked up over Harris.
  15. https://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/precip/CWlink/MJO/mjoupdate.pdf The MJO is a bit weak. The 2024 Tropical storm prediction still in play. We could do without a full on hurricane season. The “jury” is still out.
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