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Sunriver Snow Zone

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Sunriver Snow Zone last won the day on June 20

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    Sunriver Oregon, 4223 Elevation

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  1. Meh, I don't think last nights low was exciting, only got to 35.9 but really that's just 36. If it gets to sub freezing temps I'll be impressed.
  2. Very beautiful, hope you had a good climb. How's the snow coverage, still able to glissade 2-3 thousand feet of it?
  3. About the intelligence you'd expect from that sh1thole website.
  4. Sorry for your loss. Nothing beats the memories doing things like fishing with your old man, hold onto those memories tightly.
  5. Is that rain? It just came a little late . Very sad that the town is gone, have been there many times and have lots of great memories. Last time I stayed in the town, up there in the 2000s with the kiddos, stayed at this place which is likely gone now. One standout memory from the trip was the northern lights we got to see, they were actually the first ever for my youngest.
  6. You'll be quite disappointed by the 12z if you wanna go boating on Monday!
  7. 538 has the stupidest polling ever, ridiculous left leaning bias over there. They think Joe biden has a 38 percent approval rating
  8. Just a 16 hour difference in these photos, 2 completely different worlds. All that stuff that moved through yesterday will be bad in the long run but certainly great in the short run in terms of smoke.
  9. Smoke cleared out a lot over night, although there's still leftovers sitting in the lowspots of the area. Our neck of the woods in the cascades is great right now though, perfect morning to go for a short hike and do some kayaking.
  10. Again, you're making up that I said the fires are nothing to worry about, when litterly this entire time all I've been saying is that we're still able to go outdoors despite the fires, and we shouldn't let them ruin our summer. But it's like you aren't even reading what I'm saying. It's like you think I don't even worry about fires, when I probably live in the most high risk location out of anyone active on this forum This is the last time I'll reply to this stupid conversation, seems like we're both tired of it and neither of us thing the other is reasonable so there's no point of this stupid argument when we're both talking about completely different things.
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