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Anti Marine Layer

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Anti Marine Layer last won the day on July 22 2020

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    Lake Forest, CA

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  1. The Park Fire is HUMONGOUS and it threatens some parks.
  2. Mainly because of this video she made. It sounds awfully similar to "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs", and I'm sure you know who said that.
  3. Sun angles are getting noticeably lower and further to the south.
  4. It's actually the foreword to Project 2025 https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FOREWORD.pdf But for the far-left, liberty that is based on God-given individual rights, a nation with secure borders and a strong military, making the family the centerpiece of American life, and not having the government provide everything for everyone are all considered to be extreme examples of fascism. Every time someone converts to a conservative Christian, the left shivers in fear and panics that that voters could take away their sacred abortion rights and women will be seriously harmed.
  5. This is how some people on the View define fascism 1. Restore the family as the centerpiece of American life and protect our children. 2. Dismantle the administrative state and return self-governance to the American people. 3. Defend our nation’s sovereignty, borders, and bounty against global threats. 4. Secure our God-given individual rights to live freely — what our Constitution calls “the Blessings of Liberty.”
  6. That's your new favorite. But you can't deny that some people who are ardent supporters of abortion rights also want environmental laws that penalize people from destroying nest eggs in the wilderness. The SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS used to be your favorite, so I will need to catch up for all the times your blog says fascist in it.
  7. If you believe it's okay to kill your own baby in your womb but that hunting should be banned, you just might be a Democrat. If you think invasive species are an existential threat to the United States but illegal aliens always enrich us with their presence, you just might be a Democrat. If you think smoking cigarettes should be banned but smoking marijuana should be legalized, you just might be a Democrat. If you think the song "Baby, It's Cold Outside" should be kept off the airwaves yet happily sing along to Cardi B's "WAP" (Wet A-- P----), you just might be a Democrat. If you are vehemently against the death penalty for mass murderers but think there is a constitutional right to abortion, you just might be a Democrat. If you think that, during the COVID-19 pandemic, churches should be closed but pot dispensaries and strip clubs should remain open as "essential" services, you just might be a Democrat. If you claim to hate racism and then claim that all white people are racists, you just might be a Democrat. If you believe that female genital mutilation is "just a matter of cultural and religious choice" but that devout Christians should be forced to pay for other people's contraception and to make cakes for gay "weddings," you just might be a Democrat. If you believe that an American putting on a sombrero for Halloween is an example of rank appropriation but that there's nothing wrong with people around the world wearing Levi's jeans or listening to blues music, you just might be a Democrat. If you believe that discrimination against minorities is bad but that discrimination against a majority (that itself will soon be a minority) is okay, you just might be a Democrat. If you believe that Antifa and Black Lives Matter are benign groups trying to right historical wrongs but that the Founders were selfish bastards intent on using others to further a white power agenda, you just might be a Democrat. If you believe that capitalism is a corrupt economic system designed to oppress the masses and that socialism is an altruistic system designed to level the playing field, you almost certainly are a Democrat. If you used to believe that de-segregation was a bad idea, and now believe that re-segregation – like black-only college dormitories — is a good one, you just might be a Democrat. If you believe that rugged individualism is a pathetically outmoded idea…and that groupthink is a much better option, you just might be a Democrat. If you prefer indoctrination over unbiased instruction and the primacy of feelings over logic, you just might be a Democrat. If you think the doctrine of "America First" is xenophobic and unfair and subscribe to a doctrine of "Any Other Country First," you just might be a Democrat. If you think "misgendering" someone is "violence" but that burning buildings, broken windows, and blood on the faces of Trump-supporters are evidence of "a mostly peaceful protest," you just...might...be...a...Democrat. If you are still certain that Russia meddled in the 2016 U.S. presidential election but are equally certain that the 2020 election was utterly untainted, you just might be a Democrat. If you truly believe that President Trump is a bigger danger to the world than Chinese President Xi Jinping is, you just might be a Democrat. If you believe that Trump is a "bully" but see nothing wrong with conservatives getting mocked, de-platformed, threatened, silenced, slandered, and chased off campuses...you are almost certainly a Democrat. If you believe that wearing a face mask in public is more important than wearing clothes in public, you just may be a Democrat. If you prefer "virtual" reality to...reality...you just might be a Democrat.
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