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  2. Link: https://acd-ext.gsfc.nasa.gov/Data_services/met/ann_data.html
  3. A little gray for my liking this time of year but if it comes with rain then I will take it.
  4. 66/59 here today. Looks like we gradually will drop high temps over the next week with some rain even Wednesday. Looks like a very gradual descent into fall coming unless we get some unusual late September or October warmth.
  5. Weather looks perfect for the next 7-10 days.
  6. DT Portland gets much hotter in the summer, so NO.
  7. You sure seem eager to stop talking about her after being caught in a lie, though.
  8. Imane Khleif was not the only thing I mentioned. I also mentioned Chloe Cole, so it's not a subject change. And I didn't lie intentionally. I saw an article where I thought it said the boxer was transgender and posted what I read. It's not like the left is perfect in regard to fact checking. Many Democrats still believe the Kamala and Biden lies about Trump's "very fine people on both sides" remark (that it included the neo-Nazis and white supremacists), which he explicitly said it did not. She said it again in her DNC speech. Even Snopes debunked it - https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-very-fine-people/
  9. So we're in agreement Seattle is > than Portland now?
  10. It turned out pretty nice today. Very comfortable.
  11. Looks like it was Tuesday. Maybe Chinese food from the Safeway deli and a Mr. Pibb?
  12. Could happen as a last ditch effort to revive her failing campaign.
  13. You ain’t kidding… When we were up there a few weeks ago to watch the Mariners strike out a bunch of times we are down at the market. It was an absolute madhouse of a superspreader event.
  14. Where’s this crappy weather I’ve been hearing about?
  15. Yesterday
  16. I can’t bring myself to root for Rodgers. Even against the Niners.
  17. 18z GFS is cold and dry. The uncertainty regarding next Tuesday is pretty crazy precip wise.
  18. This might help! I want to vomit having to root for Rodgers but it has to be tonight.
  19. The biological part is much more straightforward, for the most part. A lot of people understand that much easier as a result.
  20. It's nice that Oregon is going to get a decent soaking...or at least the western half of the state.
  21. That is really sad. Definitely not like that in downtown Seattle.
  22. If it was a Friday night and you had a half rack of animal beer and a pack of Marlboro Lights then it could have been a perfect evening.
  23. omg I'm sorry if this was shared already, but his answer....wow. https://newrepublic.com/post/185655/trump-incoherent-rant-affordable-childcare-question I wonder if that's a preview of what we'll see in the debate.
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