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  1. Past hour
  2. The EPS still showing a little wind event on the 26th maybe mine is a Eastwind event 🌬 but there is something showing up in the Tillamook area too.
  3. The low pressure traversing Iowa and headed Northeast is not producing a lot of rain. Too much dry air along the path. But this could be a harbinger of good things to come. These systems that come out of the four corners region are traditionally good rain makers especially if they pull up lots of Gulf moisture ahead of the storm. But this one is not going to help the drought situation in Oklahoma Red River.
  4. Andie

    Politer Politics

    Areas are, yes. Election battles are bloodier. But we’re seeing many imports liking the way we do things and they vote for the status quo. Though not perfect, Texas is a study in good administration.
  5. Andie

    Politer Politics

    People are simply reacting to an existential need for an administrator that keeps their eyes on the road. Can you blame them? After several years of a mentally absent administrator, and a VP that yucks it up to 1/2 her questions, We the people are sick of it. It’s not complicated. Don't vote personality, vote skill. Hell , I can change the channel. No one overseas respects or fears Kamala. Most of the US finds her nauseating.
  6. Today
  7. I was referring to 1915-16 based on who I was quoting.
  8. Dec 2013, Jan 1916, February 2014+2023, March 1951. There. Perfect winter.
  9. I'm really starting to feel the electricity of Election Day already.
  10. The RNC has their sheit together this time. I know there are people in PA right now who have put their lives on hold to make sure Trump wins that state. The Republicans want this bad!
  11. I agree. This looks good on paper regardless. Nino is off the table so we don't have to worry about that.
  12. That one was pretty epic. I still prefer Nov 1985 because of longer duration of cold and snow cover, but Dec 1990 was more bitterly cold.
  13. Subsurface is still cold. All we need is a sustained trade wind burst and the Nina would be right there.
  14. Euro has a pretty intense convergence zone up in this area (Skagit/Snohomish line) Saturday into Sunday. Not much more than heavy rain, but looks like it could be whet where it sets up.
  15. Almost missed the tightly packed low center in the sweet spot NE of the Olympics behind all that colorful precip. That would probably mean gusts to 50/hr-ish for KSEA. One potential outcome, though I doubt it. 'tis the icon
  16. 2019-20 had a good January event in Bellingham. Pretty wild temperature swings the last day with sudden shifts from 30 to 45 and back again as the Arctic boundary kept changing its mind.
  17. Maybe we transition next spring into la niña.
  18. Neutral or Niña, seems like a win-win in the analog pool. This winter has destiny attached to it.
  19. I have Godwin on my fantasy team. Don’t know why he was in during garbage time. They weren’t coming back.
  20. I got a couple of inches but it was short lived.
  21. I mean earlier in the year. Interestingly NOAA hadn't backed off of the Nina prediction even in late summer. I presume they have now. This one is really an oddball. Almost every time the subsurface gets as cold as it has been this year we get a Nina. Some people consider the MEI to be a better gauge and it is in Nina territory. I really hope this means we avoid a Nino next year since the cold water has never gotten a chance to run its course.
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