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  1. Past hour
  2. The official H/L yesterday at Grand Rapids was 81/57 there was no rainfall. The sun was out 87% of the possible time. The highest wind was 14MPH out of the SE. For today the average H/L is 83/63 the record high of 101 was set in 1916 the coldest high of 68 was set in 1915. The record low of 47 was set in 1977 the warmest low of 77 was set in 1916. The wettest was 3.49” in 2011. The July 2024 mean so far at Grand Rapids is 70.8 that is a departure from average of -2.0° The highest so far has been just 86 if that holds to the end of the month it will be the coldest maximum for any July since 2000 and the 3rd coldest maximum for any July at Grand Rapids. The low for the month is 47 there has been 5.56” of rainfall that is a departure of +2.32”.
  3. Today
  4. Pfft… Lazy, entitled Americans are LINING UP AROUND THE BLOCK to do hard labor jobs.
  5. FWIW weather.com is saying around a half an inch of rain on Monday for me.
  6. At the end of the day, the overwhelming majority of Immigrants are here to work and contribute to our economy, not f*ck around commit crimes. There’s plenty of opportunity for crime in the countries they come from, which is why they leave in the first place.
  7. Every incident is tragic but I’m pretty sure there is no evidence that illegals (or immigrants for that matter) commit more crimes than US born citizens. If anything they commit less crime as they are here to work and build a better life. That would mean immigration is actually making our country safer per capita contrary to Trump’s rhetoric. But don’t get me wrong I am not calling for an open border as there are other considerations such as infrastructure and social services to ensure there is enough housing and jobs. All I am saying is that the notion that immigrants are making our country less safe is incorrect.
  8. ECMWF looks much more realistic on this run. Still decently wet for late July though.
  9. Hang in there. We’ve still got a while before fall. If it brings any comfort, the coastal California warming hole doesn’t seem to extend to fall or winter. With some exceptions like 2022 where constant troughing starts mid-September, and full on winter arrived as soon as November rolled around, it definitely stays warmer for longer than it did when I was a kid. It’s spring and early summer that isn’t getting warmer at all, because (I think?) the seasonal lag of the ocean is cancelling it out.
  10. Yes it was devastating. I remember going home that night after hearing the news and telling my Dad. And him telling me he would break it to my mom. And then going to my room and hearing her cries of sorrow. I’ll never forget that as long as I live.
  11. Or you could just build more housing like a normal functioning society?? Not to mention suddenly deporting 20 million would literally destroy our economy. That’s probably like 10 million people out of the workforce essentially overnight.
  12. Story after story like this. People need to start suing the cities, counties, and states that refuse to hand these criminals over to Federal Authorities. They are breaking Federal law when they do that, and it's getting people hurt and killed.
  13. If you all think Andrew deserves a temp ban that's BS, Tim does as well with his..... "I am only doing what I am doing to counter the Andrew BS" schtick, or "I just wanna be on the side of the new person in the race so I can laugh at the others" schtick at the end of the day, blah blah effin blah, Tim changes sides more often than the highest earning Vegas call girl changes Johns. To call for a ban of someone who is consistent but not call for one for the most hypocritical one as well is just wrong. Tim will continue to say is in the middle, but all previous comments points to someone that has mental issues when it comes to passionate people that are consistent.
  14. You are the one choosing to be angry.
  15. I’ve brought this up many times. And they weren’t murdered. It was a drunk driving accident.
  16. In HS, you suddenly had a 8 month pregnant friend murdered by an illegal immigrant. This....now just comes up? You at least deserve a temp ban. C'mon mods.
  17. Oregon would be happy to have the PNW's beisbol team. Nvidia guy could buy 'em and bring them to Oregon, using his connections to OS and by extension the Beavs blue blood progrum and find a way to generate hype.
  18. Did we talk about the new poll showing my girl Kamala with a 6% lead in Minnesota! The open borders policy paying off there!
  19. Sure glad you have me ignore. And just giving you a heads up... don't be so vulgar.
  20. I always like Montell though. He seems like a real dude.
  21. I refuse to say anything in this thread that isn’t a fact. If that bothers some, well I have no control over that.
  22. Dude... they are going to ban you for this crap.
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