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  1. In HS, you suddenly had a 8 month pregnant friend murdered by an illegal immigrant. This....now just comes up? You at least deserve a temp ban. C'mon mods.
  2. Welp I guess my dad would be kicked out of his house. Still has his green card after being in this country longer than you've been alive.
  3. You lost me here. Were you paying attention to him in the primaries?
  4. Lol. You didn't even watch it! Letting other people think for you. Sad times.
  5. Anyone see Gojira at the opening ceremonies? I love France's distaste of the Monarchy.
  6. Unreal how deceiving this tweet is. And he's GOD to you? wtf
  7. You're gonna make some enemies on here, Tim, with all your recent posts.
  8. The vast majority of his posts is him fishing for a response. No one believes for a second he would be willing to lose his life over some teenagers who want a gender change. What if there's an epic winter the following year?
  9. And I'm sure you'll be the first person to volunteer your life. Get real.
  10. And trump failed his physical exam with Bone spurs so he couldn't get drafted. We all fail every now and then.
  11. Are you american or cosplaying as one?
  12. This kind of reminds me of the conservative playbook of slashing government programs and then complaining about how ineffective they are 2 years later. https://wapo.st/46tykdJ
  13. Oh I'm sorry I didn't know tariffs, mass deportations, and a high tolerance for murderous dictators was always a conservative thing.
  14. Sometimes you can pull off completely normal discussions
  15. I know you say this a lot but it's not completely true. If he did not win in 2016, roe v wade would likely still be law of the land. And that affects a huge swath of the population, even today.
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