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  1. I'll post it here as well, cause why the frick not? I'm rather enjoying not slinging mud with people who have no interest in learning how the world really is. I broke a longstanding rule of not arguing politics/religion online for quite a while now, and I think I will go back to it. Before I adhere to it, I want to post one last resource for anyone actually wanting more objective knowledge about the mess Israel has found itself in with regards to Gaza, The West Bank, and the rest of The Middle East (Especially Iran): If you have the discipline to actually watch the entire video (including the Q&A session), you will know more about this topic than 99.99% of Americans who would rather parrot garbage they hear from disreputable, agenda driven sources. The entire video is pure brain food for those who wish to learn. May peace and justice prevail.
  2. I'm rather enjoying not slinging mud with people who have no interest in learning how the world really is. I broke a longstanding rule of not arguing politics/religion online for quite a while now, and I think I will go back to it. Before I adhere to it, I want to post one last resource for anyone actually wanting more objective knowledge about the mess Israel has found itself in with regards to Gaza, The West Bank, and the rest of The Middle East (Especially Iran): If you have the discipline to actually watch the entire video (including the Q&A session), you will know more about this topic than 99.99% of Americans who would rather parrot garbage they hear from disreputable, agenda driven sources. The entire video is pure brain food for those who wish to learn. May peace and justice prevail.
  3. And you are bringing up October without understanding what led up to it. I do not condone what happened at all, but your "blame on both sides" argument falls flat and tells me that you lack contextual knowledge. You can turn on any news channel you like and be bathed in the American sanitized version. You don't need me for that. That I am having this conversation with you and your equating me with Andrew tells me all I want to know about you. I have never advocated for the deaths of any Israeli civilians, but you go ahead with your nonsense. And with that, I am done. I feel like I am wasting my time here, when I could be spending it with my family. Nobody ever said they wished they spent more time arguing online while on their death bed.
  4. Underline = Regards the first part of your initial post Bold = Regards the second part of your initial post I will make it short and sweet since it was all covered above: You told me to consider what affects me the most. Neither president affects me as I stated. I don't care about swing states, as I am not registered to vote there. If Biden loses, he did it to himself and all registered Democrats. It is his to lose, just like it was Hilary's to lose in 2016. The Democrats absolutely suck at reading the writing on the walls. You then insinuated that all genocides are the same. They're not. The U.S. is the sole reason why this one is going on currently. Can you say that about any other genocide? Can you see why many Muslim Americans who have family in and around Gaza are so upset with Biden? You hit a nerve because you are being dense and cannot see that I already answered your initial post. You then characterized my objection to your remark about genocide as a "half-assed selective history lesson" like you are in a position to debate me on this issue. I get it. You think Trump is the end of the world. I hate the man. I want him to drop dead, but if, as you instruct me to do and "consider what affects me the most"... I guess I do not give a sh*t who wins. Local elections affect me far more.
  5. Nope. Missed again. This is getting sad. I can see why @Reg gave up on you guys.
  6. Do you have reading comprehension issues? Read your last post and then read my response. Spare me. If everyone voted third party, neither major party would win. Deal with it. The democrats are pros at throwing away elections. First 2016 and now 2024 is a real possibility. You should be more upset about that than my little a** vote.
  7. Typical Israeli playbook: Negotiations are not to our liking. Proceed with the precoordinated and agreed upon plan. Israel says Rafah operations will go ahead as Hamas deal remains ‘far’ from meeting its demands https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/06/middleeast/hamas-agrees-ceasefire-proposal-israel-gaza-latam-intl/index.html Itamar Ben Gvir, Israel’s national security minister, said Netanyahu had “promised that Israel would enter Rafah, assured that the war would not end, and pledged that there would be no reckless deal.”
  8. What a rather short-sighted and callous statement. It seems as if you have a lack of knowledge of the region and how it got that way. For 2 million plus people, the world is falling, you doofus! Thanks to the electoral college, as a resident of California, my vote does not matter whatsoever. It is going to Biden with or without me. And since no battleground state has ever gone down to one vote, my vote would not change the outcome in any state. Since I had the foresight to invest at a young age, the selfish part of me would actually see that neither party is a risk to me and my interests, so I should not care who wins, since in the end, I will be fine. I am lucky that, as a straight white male with a good job and steady income, I have the luxury to look out from my needs and see those of others. That brings me to my main point in this thread, that you seem to not pick up on: In no other issue that I can recall in American culture is there an active, well funded, and highly influential lobbying establishment that has mastered the art of gaslighting to the point where anyone who is critical of the ones ones committing the genocide is accused of supporting genocide against them. The evils of the Holocaust have been weaponized against those with a critical mind. Those against Israel are automatically "Anti-Semitic" as if the Jews are the only D**n Semitic people on Earth. This is a bi-partisan third rail that has been driven into the heads of people since the Zionist movement picked up steam. Even many liberals are completely ignorant to this fact and just repeat what they hear. And why wouldn't they? The mainstream media sure hasn't deviated from that ideology. It's national brainwashing. Now look at all the other recent and ongoing genocides. You think you are going to get called any names if you criticize the Chinese government for what they are doing to the Uyghurs? What about Sudan? Myanmar? Rwanda? That is my point! This issue is the perfect storm: 1. Holocaust guilt 2. Weaponizing the evils of the Holocaust by the Zionist movement 3. Bastardizing the term "Anti-Semitic" 4. Outright stealing Palestinian land by force/violence 5. American self interest in the region for many decades 6. Arabs being portrayed as animals due to resistance of and attacks on American/European interests (And yes, some countries have some backwards a** practices, especially toward women, but the point still stands) And that is not even touching upon the direct funding and weapons shipments that go directly from us to the Israelis. We give them weapons to directly kill innocent Palestinians. Most Americans don't seem to care enough to raise an eyebrow. And when protestors speak up about it, the average slob says they are supporters of Hamas and terrorism. It is an incredibly hard cultural ignorance on our part to unwind and understand. Some get it. Many don't. Get it now?
  9. The bastards are actually going to do it. On the day that they shut down Al Jazeera. Guess all the war crimes caught on camera is not a good look: https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/06/middleeast/israel-gaza-eastern-rafah-evacuation-notice-hnk-intl/index.html I am in disbelief that the U.S. and the rest of the world has stood by and let this all happen. History is not going to be kind to Israel. I know California is going to Biden, but I will not vote for that piece of sh*t. F*ck both Biden and Trump.
  10. From someone who has spent considerable time in Gaza, and not some armchair shlub. Read this and tell me Israel is the victim with a straight face: https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/05/opinions/israel-gaza-psychological-trauma-damon/index.html
  11. No, there are mountains of evidence to prove the concept of evolution. If you are taking about human evolution, yeah, that's pretty much in the bag as well, but since we were not there to witness it firsthand, all we have is the evidence that we find, which, again, is very compelling. As far as God is concerned, I follow the evidence. There is NONE one way or the other. That's why I can never be an atheist. There's no proof to support that belief either. I just do not worry about it. I follow the Golden Rule, and that is all I need. If there is a God that wants to judge me for not being a believer, that is their problem and not mine, because I will just retort that they are rather needy to want a lowly human to believe. Then I can burn in Hell with a clear conscience And if there is no God, well at least I did my best and that's that. Finally, I already saw that video a long time ago. It's pure nonsense. Go on their website and read their stances on Israel. Lead off "fact"? "The Israelis and the Palestinians are not morally equal" A famous quote from her: “The Arabs are one of the least developed cultures,” Rand argued. “They are typically nomads. Their culture is primitive, and they resent Israel because it's the sole beachhead of modern science and civilization on their continent.” Fuq outta here with that ignorant colonial brain damage!
  12. It's interesting how trauma from the Holocaust manifests itself. Some would say that imitation is the most sincere form of flattery. Wouldn't you agree, my hate-filled genocidal troll?
  13. Do you force your family to address you as "Mein Führer"? Wem der Schuh passt, der soll ihn sich anziehen!
  14. For my little Zionist supremacist buddy, Andrew: “If the facts are against you, argue the law. If the law is against you, argue the facts. If the law and the facts are against you, pound the table and yell like hell” ― Carl Sandburg
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