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Iceresistance last won the day on April 28 2022

Iceresistance had the most liked content!

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    Tecumseh, OK/Norman, OK

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  1. There is still a chance he gets shot again
  2. Flipping in favor of Harris? I would say that, but remember that the Polls swinged in favor of Biden for a while, then got full Trump It's likely the same will happen between Trump and Harris
  3. Because there was an accident down there and caused the destruction of the embryos, so the family sued and won Also, IVF doesn't have a good success rate and is expensive
  4. They wished she was Pro-Palestine
  5. Didn't Kamala Harris want the Green New Deal?
  6. Is it possible for a restriction role?
  7. Well, that doesn't mean that he will find a way to do the things against Harris
  8. Tbf, people are trying to go far back to try to take down political opponents for what they did even back in the 1980s and 1990s, someone set a precedent for that
  9. They have covered up that Kamala Harris was the most liberal Democrat
  10. The coverup is on, make sure you save everything!
  11. Kamala Harris does have the age advantage, but will that properly translate to political maturity?
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