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TacomaWx last won the day on October 21 2023

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  1. I mean I think his love for Trump is serious with a mix of trolling also. I just wish both of our political parties weren’t so terrible.
  2. If Trump was smart he wouldn’t be out here trying to please his firm supporters and try to win over the votes that count and will decide the election. If the republicans had anyone but Trump they could have a real shot to win in a landslide.
  3. Really nice day 73 after a low of 56. We will see how much we really end up with. I’m sure 0.10-0.25” atleast is the most likely outcome IMBY…but the potential for more than that is there. Looks good for the higher terrain which is really the most important area to get a soaking rain.
  4. I don’t really think Harris is going to change the equation much. There’s not many independent or undecided voters going into this election…it’s very partisan red vs blue. Anyone who was going to vote for Biden is going to vote against Trump no matter what. I don’t see her swinging many people to vote blue IMO.
  5. August 2019 had some big convective rainfalls. 8/29/19 was an epic monsoon like thunderstorm here. 8/10/19 there was a lot of distant lightning but we got some heavy rain that night.
  6. That summer got wetter as it progressed here with a few big rain events. Had 0.99” total in July and 1.57” in August. The grass outside looked more green in late August than it did in early June that year. 7/2-0.10” 7/9-0.19” 7/10-0.23” 7/17-0.38” 8/2-0.14” 8/10-0.48” 8/21-0.37” 8/29-0.47”
  7. How was July/August 2019 down there. Both months ended up pretty wet here by summer standards.
  8. Good to see, doesn’t completely end the fire season but this would really help out since I’m sure there will be more heat and offshore flow next month.
  9. That’s my bad also. I apologize it’s just frustration about how hot, dry and Smoky most summers have become. Shouldn’t have engaged in it.
  10. Still a lot of flip flopping for 4-5 days across the models.
  11. I’m not going to say anything else because I’m just wasting my time responding, it’s just frustration and sadness on my part that we have much hotter, drier summers now that are leading to these major fire seasons and loss of forests and towns. The overall dismissive ignorant posts from him really irritated me. I’ve just got to let it go and not feed the trolls…
  12. You’ve on multiple occasions downplayed and dismissed concerns brought up about large fires burning literally in your own backyard and elsewhere. It’s not normal for us to be this early into the dry season with the major fires burning across the Oregon…BC and WA. You shouldn’t have made yourself look foolish by telling Andrew the fires were nothing to worry about, and started the entire discussion yesterday in the first place without expecting a response to your ignorant posts. overall it’s become more clear IMO that you’re actually just a troll account and I shouldn’t even bother with you. The fire season is clearly getting worse, more areas will likely burn and get closed off and your response to that was to downplay it. @SilverFallsAndrew point he made in the first place was completely accurate.
  13. Lol the more you talk the more ignorant and dumb you sound. It’s not just about the smoke in your backyard you’re basically only thinking about how wildfire smoke affects your exact location. Lots of acres are burning…it’s not unprecedented to have wildfires this time of year…but it’s still a very high level of activity. It isn’t a good year at all for recreational activities down there the way it’s going. The fact you’re trying to die on this hill of an argument when there’s overwhelming evidence against what you’re saying is making me think you’re either trolling…or you’re really actually that stupid.
  14. Family property has a big rocky beach with a big burn pit nowhere near anything flammable so I don’t worry about it there. I definitely wouldn’t go having a campfire up anywhere in the mountains right now though for sure.
  15. Lol is that why you got 20 kids Andrew
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