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SilverFallsAndrew last won the day on October 7

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    Silverton, OR (1607')/Rogers County, Oklahoma
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  1. My progressive friends are freaking out about Michigan. They don’t think the Arab Americans are going to vote. You know something is going on in Michigan because there have been msm articles about it the past week or two.
  2. Harris is getting really desperate. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/4924499-kamala-harris-impromptu-cnn-call-hurricane-milton/
  3. When Trump wins they will be put in jail.
  4. Tim's guy Lictman has been going at it with Nate Silver. Pass the presidential popcorn plz. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/who-will-win-election-trump-harris-model-wars-nate-silver.html
  5. There were left wing people going wild... The BLM riots of 2014 the BLM riots of 2016. The riots after Trump won, the riots against the Muslim travel ban, the women's march, whatever that was... All from the left. There was the completely made up Charlottesville thing. That's the one example on the right. The trend we see is the left can riot constantly with impunity, but if there is anything on the right, however small it may be, we hear about it forever. For instance, some idiots (Probably feds), chanted "Jews will not replace us," a travesty of course. Then we have left wing protesters calling for the destruction of Israel for the past year and nary a peep from the mainstream media. Go figure.
  6. Sorry to hear. My wife worked at a nursing home for years and talks about how tough it is to see people age.
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