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Everything posted by SilverFallsAndrew

  1. I have 5 kids and hopefully will have many more in the next forty years. It is expensive but worth it. I have to make a lot of money to break even, but that’s what a patriarch does. I think it’s fine if people choose not to have kids. Some people are not cut out to have children, some people physically can’t, and some never meet the right partner with which to conceive. There are also many ways to support children if you are not blessed to have them biologically. Being a foster or adoptive parent is such a blessing.
  2. Local migrant crime update. https://www.oregonlive.com/crime/2024/07/2-men-arrested-after-fight-leads-to-brazen-shooting-in-salem-convenience-store.html
  3. Harris momentum is unstoppable. I made a maximum contribution to her campaign this evening. Trump is an angry old racist!
  4. Guys I have a confession to make. I was hit in the head with a coconut at work today and now I am coconut pilled! I have become unburdened by what has been. I am 100% on board with our lord and savior Kamala Harris. Drumf Frumph or whatever. Stupid orange guy who threatens democracy and puts kids in cages.
  5. He already was my enemy and he’s kicking it up a notch just to try and get under my skin. He doesn’t mean a word of it.
  6. The race has basically flipped back to where it was pre-debate. Trump with a small lead, but very close especially in the blue wall states. Harris is likely peaking right now, but her bounce may get her even or slightly ahead in some polls soon. A lot of people on the left engaging in intellectual dishonesty right now when talking about polls. In fact Trump is still polling a little better than he did pre debate. The Vance thing is a nothing burger too. No one will be deciding based on a VP pick. Plus he spoke truth about a lot of people. And a reminder, Hillary didn’t lose because of the Deplorables comment.
  7. Interesting to see what is happening in France today with the sabotage of the rail lines ahead of the globalist Olympics. Anything we can do to disrupt the global games is a net positive. This also highlights the weakness of the current regime in France.
  8. If I were advising Trump I would recommend he go after Harris in the most aggressive way possible. We have seen these kind of attacks work well for him in the past. It also takes focus off the media coronation of Harris. Right now the media will be propping Harris up through the convention, so anything you can do to interrupt that is a net positive. And with Harris there is plenty of material for Trump to work with.
  9. New poll out of Michigan shows a tied race.
  10. Harris also supports the bodily mutilation of children and will support laws like Newscum just signed which mandate government schools to hide irreversible gender transitions from parents. The fact people can publicly support mutilating the sexual organs of children and still live among us in society is shocking. Of course the usual suspects on this forum will act like castrating kids is just fine and totally normal.
  11. Oh... https://www.cnn.com/2024/07/26/politics/kfile-kamala-harris-praised-defund-the-police-movement-in-june-2020/index.html
  12. If Harris wins we will be in full Civil War within her first term. How does it start? It starts when we put boots on the ground in a foreign war, and we the people refuse to go to war and die for our corporate left wing oligarchs.
  13. We see the media strategy unfolding now. Labeling the attacks against Harris as "incoherent" even though they are the same as the ones against Biden, actually they have expanded because she is so much worse. Michael Steele the former head of the RNC is out there being the lowlife piece of garbage that he is. The ultimate diversity hire, he has never had political talent and of course has never shown loyalty to the Republican party even though they gave him a job he was not qualified for.
  14. As Ben Carson said. The media will try to make this pathetic person we all know is not special into a God. Dr Carson believes the American people are smarter than that. We will see. Obviously none of this is organic, it’s just propaganda from our state media. She’s still the same unimpressive person who failed her bar exam as she was before.
  15. Lol. Obama are original divider and chief. The man solely responsible for causing the race baiting of the past 12 years. It was a calculated political strategy after his original policy platforms fell flat.
  16. I’m not going to pretend this press release wasn’t written by a 4th grader.
  17. A male Harris voter wouldn’t know what a clit is.
  18. It's the release of all the democrats anxiety about Biden, the media is an arm of the party so they are feeling the wave of euphoria too.
  19. Durkee Fire in Eastern Oregon up to 285,000 acres. The Badlands Complex Fire across I-84 is up to about 27,000 acres. The Telephone Fire NE of Burns has exploded to 9,000 acres. The Falls Fire NW of Burns is at about 140,000 acres and 50% contained. Good news here. The Court Rock Fire south of Monument is up to 5100 acres. The Boneyard Fire north of Monument is 50,000 acres. The Lone Rock Fire has now burned all the way to the John Day River between Service Creek and Spray, but it looks to be holding on the south side. The fire is now close to 50% contained and at 136,000 acres. South of Ukiah the Battle Mountain Complex Fire has burned 64,000 acres. I did see some pictures from this fire and it looked like the fire burned at a low intensity through the understory and was not a crown killing fire. In a ponderosa forest this could be fairly healthy.
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