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Deweydog last won the day on February 1 2023

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    Hockinson, WA
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  1. 15 years ago RIGHT NOW it was impressively hot by 2009 standards…
  2. This is always funny. If we’re going to make this a presidential yard stick, gas prices actually went up under Trump compared to the tail end of the Barrack HUSSEIN Obama administration. It was only the shutdowns that saved Trump, but also what did him in.
  3. But it RAINED here!! https://www.axios.com/2024/07/23/earth-hottest-day-record-set
  4. Alright, who forgot to give Marine Layer his Ritalin?
  5. I think it means they elected a new pope.
  6. 44 on the WD this morning. I’m assuming it must be Celsius?
  7. An absolute chip shot to a green with a 360 degree slope to the hole. If he manages to Leon Lett it at this point it will be a marvel of political ineptitude and narcissistic psychosis. If he runs on immigration and the economy he can sleep walk through the next three and half months, even though the presidential powers over the economy are a total fallacy. EVERY president is a debt president and that will not change until at some point the entire system collapses. Which will happen…
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