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Posts posted by Abbotsford_wx

  1. Very localized rainfall around here today. I had less than a hundredth, but less than 5 miles to my west they had .29".


    It's been very dry here over the last few weeks. Today's rainfall was the first measurable since July 16th, and I've only received .12" since July 9th.


    I won't use the "D" word, but we could really use a good soaking as everything is looking pretty parched. It's nothing like last summer, but we're running a pretty large deficit for the year.

  2. That map is helpful.  It would be even more helpful if it extended into Canada to show that the northern boundary of above-normal precipitation occurred about where this map ends.


    I stand corrected on the width of the band of above-normal precipitation, and I see that Eugene was in a relatively dry zone compared to the U.S. PNW at large.



    I still say the big December storms skewed the overall numbers way upward, and one of the comments on the linked blog supports this notion.


    Up here we were basically near normal..  96% of normal at Abbotsford for October-March. Having said that, there were some areas that were wetter relative to normal, particularly near the mountains to our north.

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