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Skagit Weather

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Posts posted by Skagit Weather

  1. 4 minutes ago, Chewbacca Defense said:

    You can see your breath?


    In all seriousness though I'm with you, it sucks to have this kind of cold and have bare ground.  I love the stats, but I love snow more!

    I actually couldn't see my breath when the dew points were so low. With dry air seeing your breath relies on condensation and with temperatures 20 degrees above the dew point that was significantly harder to achieve. Now I can though, with my DP/Temp spread only 3 degrees.

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  2. 23.6F for a high today after a low of 11.6F. So a couple degrees warmer than yesterday for both the high and the low, but it was still my 5th coldest day I've recorded on my station since 2008 (all of which have happened in the last 25 months). Currently 14.9F maybe heading for a low a degree or two colder (if I'm lucky). I'm hoping that I can stay below freezing for one more day tomorrow because it would be nice to have 3 subfreezing highs, but with mostly sunny conditions and moderating cold it might be a challenge. 

    I'm cautiously optimistic about the slight southerly trends in the models over the past day for the Tues/Wed storm. Still think it's going to manifest as quite a bit of cold rain, but at least there's a chance up here to get something other than cold temperatures. 

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  3. 13.1F currently after a daytime high of 18F. Unfortunately my midnight high was 21F so that is what will go down in the records.

    Most mesoscale models don't show it dropping very much from where it is right now, but the Euro shows we maybe have another 5-8 degrees to go so I'll stay optimistic. Today was impressive, but didn't quite hold up to December 27, 2021. On that day we had a daytime high 1 degree colder and a low of 6.7F. Of course I had almost 10" of snow on the ground at that point so who knows what the temperatures would have been without snow.

    Going forward I think that will end up being the question from this event: how much colder could the temperatures have been with a widespread snowstorm going into it? But oh well, cool to be experiencing this event in real time.

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  4. All-time record low temperature at Ross Dam this morning in the heart of the North Cascades. Low was -3F which beat out the -1F from January 1, 1979. Records have been kept since 1960.

    I feel like the record low should be significantly lower than -3F considering its location in the Upper Skagit Valley, but maybe it doesn't generally decouple enough during these cold snaps to lead to really cold temperatures.

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  5. Temperature dropped to 10.6F this morning so I wasn't wrong last night when I said that we wouldn't reach single digits, but it dropped better than I expected. This is my 4th coldest Arctic blast I've recorded on my weather station (since 2008) and the coldest without snow cover. I think it would feel more special if I hadn't had single digits the previous two winters, but I'm not complaining. Car wouldn't start this morning so I had to jump it before heading off to work.

    Tonight looks like it will be nearly as cold if not a little colder. Obviously colder down south, but it's less clear up here. The Euro/GEM forecast temperatures a couple degrees colder while the GFS/NAM is a bit warmer. Would really love to see single digits, but not sure if that's going to happen. High at midnight was 21F, but I think we'll get warmer than that during the day. Probably hit 23/24F today.

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  6. Currently 23F here. I have to say this is probably the least impactful "big" arctic front that I can remember. To be fair I usually get almost no wind so the biggest impact is snow, but the very slow drop of temperatures without any wind or snow makes it feel like a normal cold winter day. Most people up here in Skagit went to work and when they got back if was a couple degrees colder than when they left in the morning so they probably didn't notice a thing.

    Forecast up here is for 9F by morning. Based on the rate of temperature drop I just don't see it happening. Maybe mid teens, but I would be surprised if I get much colder than that. Tomorrow will probably over perform on high temperatures as well.

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