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Posts posted by WeatherArchive

  1. Oh gotcha. I thought you were pulling a legitimate Trump. He made a serious dent in any reasonable pushback to overregulation by climate change activists by saying something like that. Made everyone look dumb.

    Except he didn't. If you view the non MSM crap version you will see he is only saying he doesn't believe in MAN MADE global warming never said the world wasn't warming.  He just doesn't want to sell our nation up a creek without a paddle to the lowest bidder.AKA The UN. In other words he doesn't want a nanny state out of it telling us what to think, what we are allowed to drive,whether or not we can use rainwater in our own backyard.etc. (Yes some places it's illegal to collect rainwater and you will get dinged with a fine or have a nice talk with a judge about usage of water)  Not that I'd want to collect water with the heavy metals in the air. I don't trust the water without boiling it first. :)

  2. All I'll say is the last few days except yesterday were chemfested   No less then 8 of them at one time and they were also flying in weird directions where there are no airports too or from that can handle the size of planes and altitude they are flying at WELL above 30,000ft which is commercial level. Otherwise known as flight level 300.   


    I watched the trails get bigger and bigger to the point they cover up the sun in that white milky haze imitating the "high clouds" and the humidity is higher on those days on my RH scale at home then without which without fail always bottoms out around 30 percent at the highest end of the scale in the late afternoon hours and lately it's dropped to the 25 percent range when there is slight north east winds.


    but when I was little the high clouds were a LOT better looking and they still look better in my weather books including the Oregon Weather Book (which I wish they had an updated one for all the 2008 thru 2012 events we had. The latest one goes up to 1998 or 1999 only back when we had a decent climatologist. 

  3. Had a bout of steady drizzle in Everett.


    On a side note, please for the love of god, get out of the left lane. If someone doing 70 comes up behind you, don’t just chill out at 61 while keeping pace with the semi to your right. It’s not your job to be a speedo justice warrior. You have no idea of the person behind you is seeing a sick family member or trying to make it to work on time.


    I swear to god everyone in Western Oregon and Western Washington was tought road etiquette by a hippy grandma who believes that going faster than 55 is a crime.


    Also blinkers. Use them.

    Our old  Ford Windstar which served us for 15 years from 2000 you could do that very easy and use only a very little bit of gas to do so not wearing your engine out.


    You barely have the pedal downn and you could keep up with that kind of traffic or pass them WITHOUT the engine having to rev and rev for several seconds: You count to 3 and your already there passing and it scared us the first few times not use to such power and this is no race car. We have NEVER had to floor it: Only once just to see what it was actually like and it felt like a nitrus boosts from hell.


    Our current car the next closest match after a lot of car hunting no car does it right anymore: Even putting the pedal to the floor you count to 5 minimum hearing the engine whine trying to get up to snuff and this their best car as a mini van.  All the cars no matter the size though have the same kind of crappy engine and the small ones are worse: We tested a used blue Subaru that was the closest to the Windstar but you still had to push the pedal to the floor and the engine would rev and rev for a total of 8 seconds before you catch up to traffic and that particular one it had some kind of steering issue where it would keep going to the left, Doing online research it's common that after 5 years those kinds of cars have steering problems and brake issues usually follow or transmission issues crop up.  Jeeeeeez no thanks! Otherwise it's a very nice car itself.  We REAAAAAALY liked the design and features of it but it had a lot of hidden issues and no warranty, The cost of fixing the said issues would wind up costing almost as much as a new car.


    The Windstar has 310 horse power and this is from the year 2000 when a lot of cars were still like trucks in gas mileage: It had the transmission finally give out a few years ago but it went thru the comment from hell and went all over the place on a lot of dirt roads too. 


    Obama ended that as ALL the manufacturers at the time confirmed to the (eco) friendly Obama cars which in Salem I've seen a few and we wonder where the heck you buy them as no manufacturer sells them. though they all have slightly bigger versions that look more like a revive of Volkswagons but these tinier cars you would literally be bumping elbows with your passenger the whole way and a tall person couldn't fit in much over 6 foot  I'd rather even have the modern day Volkswagon style cars then that tiny piece of crap. 


    Obama and his type of people tried (but thankfully failed) to make it the ONLY kind of car your allowed to drive or the manufacturers would go to prison which is why he did the cash for clunkers crap to push us that direction but many people cried foul and called out. The car people who make them would be at most trouble under this law so anticipatingthis they all confirmed to the little cars and they all look dorky. 


     The pickup trucks sadly are EXTREME gas hogs and are more truck like in feel and design not really efficient at all. The other thing he was going to do was tax you based on how far you drive to work where you pay more at the pump then the bloke next to you whom lives just down the road,around the corner a few blocks from work.  This bloke only uses his tiny car on extreme occasions so it's no problem for him! He just uses an e scooter to work most  days and can't figure out why so many people are upset at being taxed more.  Poor him for his ignorance. He doesn't get he is so lucky to be less then a mile or two from work. 


    They actually have sensors on the roads installed to measure your car's blackbox to determine how much you will be taxed but the sensors are not activated as the bill was killed, Just last year they tried to revive it sort of quietly but people found out and belched loudly about it. Even many of the state people realized how retarded the bill was and part of that bill was to make some of I-5 a toll road which the majority of the money would go to some foreign nation that owns a lot of toll booths here in the USA. I can't remember which one.  



    The predecessor to the Windstar the (Arowstar) was more of a truck design and had crap gas milage to follow suite.  The Windstar got 21mpg in city traffic and 24 on freeway and we went long periods without needing to fill up and this is without letting the tanks go much below halfway.  The Freestar was the last one but it had some kind of recall issues.

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  4. Barring the government people not being a--holes about it doing things they shouldn't....even a warmer world could have it's own weather excitements and apostrophes that don't involve cold and snow so it's not exactly the "end of the forum" even if we go most years with just a trace of snow.  Ifred obviously has forgotten the 2008 thru 2012 era which had many interesting moments or he wasn't around yet on the forums not sure which.

  5. No.  I would hate to live in Phoenix full time.    Been there many times.   Maybe a second home to spend time there from January - March... that might be nice.

    You should try Prescott.  More rain then Peenix and even a bit more snow but pretty manageable as old sol does it's magic trick with only 1 in every 4 years being truly "bad" if you can call it that and only if you live in the high hills above 5,500 feet as the town is at 5,000 proper. http://www.city-data.com/forum/prescott/2694785-snow-prescott-chino-valley-3.html You can choose between Chino Valley where the "sprawl" as they locally call it or the historic town proper which gets a bit more snow but it's all in perspective.   Take a look at the thread.  I actually am intruiged by it.   Flagstaff's problem is the snow is either midwest style where it doesn't know when to quit or they have a REAAAAAAAAAAAAALY crappy ski year (or years) though I am not sure which is tougher in handling the snow or they are both tough and don't shut down.

  6. Well, Iceagenow.info can go a little far on the upcoming ice age. But I find that when I read the news articles or magazine articles from legitimate periodical they reference, I can rely on those.


    I find that the planet is certainly in a period of change. Areas are hotter while others are colder or wetter that normally are not. It's a bit like a washing machine out of whack.


    The cause? I'd ask Phil on that as he may be better equipped to address solar impact, which I think is the culprit. There's no doubt the planet, and likely the other planets in the solar system, are in a state of change. I think we're going into a chilling period. I don't think it's the end of the world. And it may not look like what we think it will.

    I sure don't feel chilled here on the west coast!  2008-2011 was colder! Hardly any sun

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  7. I'm not worried. :) I've been waiting on the earths temperature to crash for over 15 years.

    well keep on waiting. :)  last wam period was from 1,000AD to 1200AD with the most extreme at the latter end when Lake Tahoe went totally dry and the SW unlivable/arid even though 1,000 AD was the peak of warmth.  we have at minimum 2000 years of this crap with the peak in 1998  but lag effects to observation.

  8. Geos posts on there sometimes he a fan of Robert Filex work and in fact is one of the few that interduced Phil and others of his work and site here a few years ago I find he lets a very even Amount of opinion.Robert books are not by fire but by ice which I have read and magnetic Reversals and Evolutionary Leaps which I have not read yet.but do like Roberts work over all,

    I have the first one.

  9. Right. Crash was an excessive word.


    Yes. Climate is history for sure.


    My family origin (Kent, UK) is 585 miles from Switzerland. My family arrived here around 40 years before yours I think.

    my only beef is his constant use of the word crash which stirs hype!  He only got popular when that one Russian scientist made the prediction which he later retracted after more data was done and held back on the crash longer which turns out is correct!  The 2008 thru 2012 cool down was due to fresh water from melting glaciers which the scientist said was going to "kill" the gulf stream: it was messed up for a short while but bounced right back!  during this cool down global temps dropped 0.9C causing the media to say a "pause" on global warming but by 2015 would return. guess whom was correct.

  10. another major player is the microscopic pieces of plastic in the ocean.  In the end of the Bush era it was just bigger then Texas and now is as large as the west coast!  what that does is due to the Bernoulli Effect slows/stop movement making things not go right which in turn alters the jet stream.  that drives our weather and without a proper jet stream we won't get organized storms.without them dying before thyey reach us.  thus the models flipping around as they do not have the proper data inputted.  the models expect historical climate which without these changes would work better.


    Even a broken clock is better!

  11. Yeah you tend to hold onto cold air better up there. Must get trapped in between you and the mainland. Of course you have some orographic lift as well from that flow.

    What is the best setup for the east side of the valley? It seems like a lot of times the west side gets hit harder.

  12. A 6.7 magnitude earthquake left at least seven people dead, 30 missing, and more than 150 injured on the northern Japanese island of Hokkaido on Thursday morning. The earthquake further crumpled roads, triggered landslides that knocked over houses, and damaged power systems. First responders, who include more than 4,000 defense force soldiers, have been searching for survivors and working to restore electricity. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said that the defense force may eventually deploy up to 25,000 troops if needed.


    Much of the destruction occurred in Sapporo, a city with a population of 1.9 million people that serves as the prefectural capital of Hokkaido. Atsuma, a small town of 40 residents located near the epicenter of the earthquake, was also particularly hard hit by the landslides. At least four people died in the town, and rescuers are still digging through soil, rocks, and wreckage to locate survivors.



    As a result of this earthquake Nintendo has canceled their Direct Live for 3DS and Switch announcements to an unknown time.  Never has happened before!https://www.gamespot.com/articles/delayed-nintendo-direct-presentation-gets-a-new-da/1100-6461707/

  13. Depends on if the station data they’re derived from is reliable. Funny you posted this because I was just looking at the NOW data for this area for recent Februaries (doing some winter analoging ;) ).


    Weird statistical anomaly..we had our warmest February on record in 2017, just 3 years removed from what might be our coldest February on record in 2014 (IAD..haven’t checked the full record yet so don’t hold me to it yet).


    2017..a yuuge +8.6 anomaly.




    2014..a whopping -10.6 anomaly. ☃️



    When your below freezing like that do you get a lot of hoar frost?

  14. For my area WNW flow is terrible because it shadows my area from snow, but true NW flow can work out well sometimes.  One of the best bets for snow in a marginal or just cold enough to snow situation is often WSW.  In general there is no question NW flow brings colder / more enjoyable weather in the winter than SW.

    That's rather odd that SW flow can bring snow in marginal conditions but I've seen it sometimes.  What's up with that?

  15. Probably no coincidence that the GFS also surrended to the Euro with regard to the deeper weekend trough out here.


    As sad as it is, I have definitely noticed a correlation between intense landfalling hurricanes along the eastern seaboard and strong early season troughing out here. I’m guessing it has something to do with the strength of the Bermuda high and associated teleconnections.

    weather is interconnected with a lot of complex relations we just don't always see it due to human biases.  Your getting there though Keep practicing!

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