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Everything posted by RentonHill

  1. Spotted!!! They are the perfect bedtime shirts actually
  2. It was blazing over there. Hot early, too. A few new starts in the methow, some close to our place. Hard to believe we’ve got two months left of this.
  3. So many startups last few days on the east side and in central wa. As we learned with the bolt creek etc it only takes one…
  4. You’re like the jigsaw when he got up at the end of the first Saw movie and was like you don’t value life enough. And we are all like ohhhh there’s a human being there!!!
  5. If we get an east wind event we’re cooked. Literally
  6. My good friend lives in Chicago and I’ve officially requested as much footage as possible from him.
  7. EPSL traffic. 405 is closed all weekend.
  8. Look like one of those preachers we see in the news
  9. Thats totally weird...I had a dream last night I pounded a mattock onto some concrete (the pick end) and it rebounded and stuck me in the forehead with the adze part. and I basically scalped myself. Healthy dreams, amiright?
  10. thats a god awful spot. also you dont look as calloused as I would have thought given all the EXTREME landscaping you've done recently.
  11. So they're having a historically average( long term!) summer so far?
  12. Boggles the mind to think we had 20 degrees on top of this 3 yrs ago
  13. Interestingly I am even with yesterday at 88.5.
  14. Chet steadman!!! We came home after the game and my son immediately turned on Rookie of the Year
  15. I don’t put anything on my lawn BRO. But I do sneak out at night to roundup all the sidewalks and side yards in the neighborhood for fun. A few years ago I started drinking a tiny bit of roundup each day to build immunity and now I can’t go a day without spraying some around the house, neighbors or nearby park or else I sleep terribly and get super irritable.
  16. Nothing works for our horsetail invasion. That and buttercup are unstoppable in our wet yard. Brute force is the only option according to a few “professionals” we’ve asked. they also said consumer grade vinegar is ineffective at actually killing anything, just burns the leaves and you need the chemical/industrial grade level stuff to make a difference
  17. Mucho beautiful day for a mariners game..from the shade
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