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Everything posted by RentonHill

  1. I was going to say - how awesome would it be to keep this general pattern up of getting nice central/eastern precip flow through spring. Although i'll note we had a very wet spring in Twisp this past spring (compared to 2021 at least) but once the faucet turned off it was OFF for good until...late October? Probably will be the norm from here on out.
  2. 18z GFS still a few steps behind the euro it seems. Not even worth posting or following
  3. GIF comparing 00z EPS and 12zEPS 850s. Mean came up a bit in the trough, but i think we'd all take the OP agreement here and OP gets colder than the mean with lots of really cold members.
  4. Ya they’ve had issues for several days. Stop using it for now
  5. EPS kind of shows that too but not as clean of course that far out
  6. Remind ourselves that volatility is high right now and short term trends in the long range have a long time to change and likely will
  7. Me trying to power through the Tylenol PM I took at 1030 to keep refreshing wetterzentrale
  8. That base just evaporates into thin air and our block starts to lift again. Day 7. poop
  9. I need a longtimer to confirm this looks good. that isnt tim sorry
  10. I think she finally turned corner last night. BUT her ear is still infected even after full round of antibiotics, and she has an ungodly amount of teeth coming in at the same time (including a molar which is early and probably painful), and her gut still hasnt recovered from the antibiotics totally wiping it out. So she swings from absolutely miserable to normal depending on how much ibuprofen or tylenol we've pumped into her. But dang if it she still isnt a princess and 100000x more enjoyable than my demon 4yo boy. Thanks for asking.
  11. It does. I know nothing....but D**n if you cant just envision our block setting up perfect for this. it wont happen this run but still! its what keeps us here.
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