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Posts posted by snow_wizard

  1. 1 minute ago, Phishy Wx said:

    twitter going nuts with aurora posts all over the country MS, TX, OK, MN, etc


    looks like tonight is rivaling the May event in some areas. might have to take a ride in a few.  the May one was incredible here

    It will probably just a take a bit to get going here like it did last time.  The moon is going to interfere though.

  2. 36 minutes ago, Tenochtitlan said:

    I remember 2010 was an especially sharp transition—we had 70’s in early November, and a few weeks later a full-blown arctic front with snow. 

    That one was quite something.  I think the air mass that came in after the snow was even colder than anything in November 1985.  There are a few times I've had snow falling here at 22 degrees and that was one of them.

  3. 3 minutes ago, TacomaWx said:

    One of the more interesting aspects of our climo is how slow we transition from spring to summer. Feels like we go from late February all the way into June. Fall happens much faster and in some years very fast. 

    Interestingly both 1990 and 1991 were almost overnight.  So weird it happened in back to back years with such totally different winters afterwards.  

  4. 2 hours ago, TT-SEA said:

    This was already posted.    And I responded above.    Toxic rhetoric and using people as pawns for political purposes in this case is dangerous and disruptive for everyone in that town.    Its a powder keg there now... KKK put out fliers this weekend in Springfield.   


    Yuck.  I hope you don't think anyone on this forum is like that.

  5. 16 minutes ago, Tenochtitlan said:

    The late Nov one must have been the mini ice storm we had in Bellingham that winter. I foolishly tried biking to WWU that day, and slipped, falling on the road directly in front of a bus! Luckily the bus was able to stop, but it was a pretty close call. 

    No.  We had deep cold air in 2014.  At least deep enough everything fell as snow.

  6. Just saw this one even though it was posted quite a while ago.  In a situation like the valleys of CA west of the Sierras are in, the cold air (which mainly slides down east of the mountains) creates higher pressure east of the mountains which forces the air to flow westward toward the valleys and the ocean.  When the air is forced over the mountains it compresses the air that is in place west of the mountains which warms and dries the air.  Even though the air begins cold it ends up warm at the surface in the valleys west of the mountains.  If the air mass east of the mountains is really cold then the valleys west of the mountains can also end up somewhat cold.

    Even up in WA State, which is where I live, this same thing happens although the air is often a lot colder to begin with than what you experience down there.  In spite of that there is a still a lot warming as the air compresses west of the mountains.

  7. 55 minutes ago, iFred said:

     People should be making less. As a business owner, I don't want to waste money on employees when I could be investing in my success. I am all for outsourcing, offshoring, and automation, as that it the most efficient means to use capital. If someone is concerned about their wage, well, then they can go make more money. It isn't that hard.

    Your last two sentences are often true.  The first part is kind of obtuse though.

  8. 29 minutes ago, Tenochtitlan said:

    People have the right to choose where to live…there is no law saying that legal immigrants can’t all move to a given city or town if that’s where the jobs they want are. It’s nothing new…America has always grown in population this way. And how do we remember those who tried to run immigrants out of town in the past? Not well. 

    It is really problematic when you have 5,000 moving into a town with 10,000 people though.  Easy to see why people would get a bit bent out of shape about that.  I still bet that practice can be traced back to the Biden administration somehow anyway.

  9. 2 minutes ago, StormchaserChuck1 said:

    The problem is, they have correlation composites where you can lag/lead index states (very helpful for seeing what is leading to what). I was using Sept -PNA to assess that there was probably a higher probability that this January would be +NAO. When they call a huge Aleutian ridge a +PNA, it messes me up.. I can go through the years and make H5 comparisons, but that takes so much more time. They seem to like Alaska for the PNA (low pressure over Alaska is +pna, high pressure -pna). I don't like that because that's the EPO domain. 

    I haven't followed their changes. I usually just look at the graphs... but there has been a big disconnect between the H5 pattern and what the index state is. I'm sure there is a reason, like they are using 200mb winds or something lol. but I just don't know what it is. 

    Now I see what you're getting at.  Very annoying in that case.

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