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Everything posted by Dadio

  1. This is better than the last one. Looks like my snow will-maybe start at about the same time as last night. Thanks.
  2. And you are still talking about melting snow. Amazing.
  3. Very true. That is why no one should use the warmth of the direct sunshine as part of how it feels like.
  4. Great pictures. Now I'm jealous. Even though I have enjoyed the recent weather.
  5. I liked his post. The information was provided in an interesting way. I think it looks pretty accurate.
  6. Thanks for the data. It looks like are weather is in good company.
  7. I like this. You did a good job of it. I hope you stick around for more posts like this.
  8. If I had a portable thermometer, I would be willing to say it would read in the 50s on some surfaces outside, earlier, not now. It is starting to cloud up here.
  9. I feel your pain. One of my sons complained to me about the snowboarding season. In many ways it hasn't been great for folks. So I understand. For me, it has been a good winter and pointing toward more and better winters.
  10. In general terms I'm with you on this. Sunshine when it is chilly out makes one feel very warm.
  11. Standards for weather geeks are important. Never enjoy or talk about small amounts of snow. Only make repetitive posts about melting snow and no snow. Oh, yes the wonderful situation to the south should make us enjoy small amounts of snow less and focus more on melting snow. Thanks for the help in perspective.
  12. I agree with you. Certain comments are going to get a certain response from some people.
  13. Is this on the total on the ground or just what is expected to fall?
  14. Should rename you the everready bunny today. Still going on about the same thing. The official temperature is in the shade?
  15. Unfortunately the voice of reason doesn't get listened to easily on forums, but I do appreciate your sentiments. The great snowy weather we've been having should help everyone's mood.
  16. I know isn't this great. I can't believe everyone hasn't been excited about this. This type of snowstorms just to our south is proof that the PNW is scoring much better lately. Winters are taking a good turn.
  17. Sorry, but you're wrong. Areas to the north of Olympia have had a colder and cold longer stretch than has been the norm for February.
  18. Lol Thanks for the link. That was a well written post. And we do need some more snow for our mountains.
  19. I'm with you on that sentiment. Following this storm to the south has been icing on some great weather. Winters in the PNW still hold all kinds of promise.
  20. Thanks for the update. More pictures of the incredible weather BLI is having today. Wow something white is in the shade. Can't be snow. I have it from a very authoritative source that all of the snow is gone in BLI. Keep on, carrying on, with whatever you want. If multiple pictures of snow melting rock your boat today, then go for it. Maybe a new thread should be started just for it.
  21. Thanks for passing that on. I haven't been watching it that close. That is good news.
  22. That is what I was expecting and hoping for. It is I think a realistic hope.
  23. I was going to count how many pictures you posted of the melting snow in BLI, but I lost count. You aren't going on about it. Haha. PS: Thanks for repeating the information about surface temps in the sun being much warmer, not sure everyone got that.
  24. I would think that hanging on to the dry cold air longer would be good. It will stretch out the event for you.
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