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Everything posted by roadtonowhere08

  1. Though your enthusiasm is commendable, you are just playing a losing game. Arguing with idiots will only make you angry. Ignore. Life's too short.
  2. I saw that and... Yowsa!!! Trump and Biden need to be given their daily cup of pills and sent away.
  3. More hate-watching for our favorite troll: Outstanding interview. I loved the back and forth with Jon's points about the U.S. being total hypocrites about our stated goals and framed arguments for our actions, and David's simple response is "And so we've got to make a really hard and bad choice, which is, do we want to be the one trying to-- to fill that void with our technology and our principles, understanding that we violate them all the time? Or do we want to let an authoritarian regime go fill that space, which we know how that's going to look?" A simple yet incredibly hard to refute response. We are the most benevolent imperialist power. We f*ck up a lot of stuff around the world, but do you want them to fix things or us? The other interesting point that is pretty obvious is that China will throw as much as it can into catching up to TSMC, whether it is by ingenuity or theft, and as soon as they are, Taiwan is theirs. Will the U.S. go to war over that? Dunno. There's no going back to fix our mistakes, and competition is really heating up around the world. The next few decades are going to be very interesting.
  4. Nice Op-Ed about the Iranian influence in the Middle East. https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/14/opinions/iran-strikes-israel-what-it-wants-bergen/index.html I also like the mention about the Nuclear Deal. Trump screwed the pooch big time by listening to the idiots who wanted out. Now Iran is closer to a nuke. Oops! Sometimes successful policy may make you weak by the hardliners, but in reality you come out ahead. That's called "soft power". The dopes in the GOP and Israel might want to learn that. Peace ain't as sexy as blowing sh*t up. Poor John Bolton would have nothing to talk about.
  5. US tells Israel it won't participate in Iran response https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68813496 Will someone please send John Bolton over there with a rifle already? Mr. Mustache wants to blow stuff up so badly, let him have at it!
  6. Can't back off when egos, money, land, and holy books are on the line. And then the Christians just want all of them to die so they can take the Stairway To Heaven. Where's an asteroid when you need one?
  7. First, Israel is a rogue ally. Second, gee, I wonder why we might be at least giving the impression we are not happy with them? Genocide is kind of a big deal. How many current and former presidents have to be seen furious with Israeli leadership? They want what they want, and to hell with anyone who has an opinion. Oh, and they'll be all to happy to take our money and weapons though. Unfortunately, they are either too selfish or stupid to realize their decades of divide/conquer and illegal settlements only increase their isolation. The world is slowly getting sick of them.
  8. I am reading that the attack is completed. Almost all projectiles were shot down. Tehran says the ball is in Israel's court. Looks like a message rather than a full scale attack. The staus quo continues.
  9. Your leftie source should get some perspective: They are all killing civilians indiscriminately at this point.
  10. As an American, you do realize the irony of your last sentence, yes?
  11. Maybe if this gets worse, we might get lucky and the moderates of both Israel and Iran will overthrow their respective governments and we can get some D**n peace. And yes, I typed that while laughing
  12. Well, if you want any to actually hit a target, you have to overwhelm the defenses. Whether Tehran is serious about inflicting serious damage or if this is political cover to issue "payback" for the consulate attack remains to be seen.
  13. As an update: The teen was found dead. Not sure of the circumstances, but not good. Having said that, Palestinians die weekly from violent settlers, and nobody seems to care. This teen's death will be used to raid more land and fuel more violence.
  14. Better late then never. R.I.P. Norm. Enjoy Hell, OJ.
  15. This is what Israel wants: To be the perpetual victim. Now we have another destabilizing government who wants to spice things up. Yay! What fun! US sees Iran moving military assets including drones and cruise missiles, sources say From Natasha Bertrand and Oren Liebermann The US observed Iran moving military assets around internally, including drones and cruise missiles, signaling that it is possibly preparing to attack Israeli targets from inside its own territory, according to two people familiar with US intelligence. It is not clear whether Iran is preparing to strike from its soil as part of an initial attack, or if it is posturing to try to deter Israel or the US from conducting a possible counter strike on its territory. One of the people said the US had observed Iran readying as many as 100 cruise missiles.
  16. The latest installment of "We take the money, we take the arms, and we decline the advice." Israeli settlers storm West Bank village, setting cars and homes ablaze https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/12/middleeast/west-bank-village-stormed-by-israeli-settlers-intl/index.html "Abu-Alia told CNN settlers stole approximately 70 sheep from the Palestinian village." Stealing their sheep? What are they going to do next? Steal their land?!?!?!? Oh, wait...
  17. Via https://arab.news/b5dmz DUBAI: Iran’s Mehr news agency removed a report on Wednesday from its official channel on X that had said Iran was closing its airspace over the capital Tehran and denied in a new post that it had published any such news. In the original report posted on X, the semi-official news agency cited the Iranian defense minister as saying that all air traffic had been suspended over Tehran from 2030 GMT on Wednesday “due to military drills.” Who knows at this point?
  18. I am sure you have heard of talk radio. That is heavily right wing biased.
  19. Some more clarity regarding the deadly aid delivery on Feb. 29 where over 100 Palestinians were either shot or run over: https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/09/middleeast/gaza-food-aid-convoy-deaths-eyewitness-intl-investigation-cmd/index.html "Videos filmed in the hours before the deadly incident, between 2 a.m. and 3 a.m. and geolocated by CNN, show people gathered on the beach and roadside about 900 meters (just over half a mile) away from the checkpoint. Groups can be seen sitting around fires, while others walk around the beach. All appears calm. Eyewitnesses told CNN that they had started to gather in anticipation of the arrival of food – aid convoys often travel at night to avoid being inundated by crowds en route – but that the trucks hadn’t even crossed the threshold of the checkpoint when Israeli tanks started shooting." "The IDF has denied CNN’s requests for the full unedited drone footage from February 29."
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