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  1. I finally put my list together for the other board. This started as a "Top 5" snowstorms list, but... Guess I've experienced more than a handful of memorable storms. The more I thought, the more came back to me. #8) Bliz of Jan 13-15 '79 Another winter, another blizzard. So went the years of my youth. This one delivered 15" where I grew up in SEMI and was a wetter heavier snow than the icy cold bliz a year before. I remember many snow days off from school during the active winter of 78-79. A friend and I even used snowshoes on the deep drifts. #7) Bliz of Dec 2000 In S. Bend we got a legit bliz warning and scored 13" of snow. I knew a storm was possible so I arose early (before the 6 am news) and switched on my trusty NOAA Wx radio to catch the updated morning forecast from IWX. I was geeked when I heard WSWarning for the daytime followed by a Blizzard Warning beginning in the evening. It was a great storm that was everything it was forecasted to be. Played out exactly as forecasted. #6) Super Bowl Super snowstorm of Feb 1-2 '15 2nd winter in a row that delivered an 18" snow here in Marshall. Just a non-stop long duration snow fall that brought us another deep snow cover in SMI. While the winds were sub-bliz conditions, we did get some legit bliz conditions a couple weeks later on Valentine's Day. #5) PV Bliz of Jan 4-6 '14 My first CAT-4 storm in 15 yrs brought a solid 18" on top of existing snow cover of 3-4" for a 20+ depth. The deepest I'd seen since moving to Marshall in '02. Cleaning my driveway in -41F windchill on the evening of the 6th will always be tattooed on my psyche! #4) Bliz of Nov 16-17 '89 Deer camp bliz that buried NMI with 12-24" after it transitioned from rain to snow. The winds were ferocious as the SLP bombed to 964 mb near James Bay Ontario. My trusty NOAA wx radio kept us abreast of happenings as we were in a small rental cabin without so much as a b&w television. The broadcast was out of KAPN and I remember vividly that the Presque Isle Light on Lake Huron was reporting Gusts to 91 knots! The winds raging thru the forest was insanely loud. I'm pretty certain those were the strongest winds for The Mitt since the great one in Jan '78. #3) Bliz of Jan 1-3 '99 My place in S. Bend was slammed with 20" and drifts up to 40" and I was on the edge of the actual city limits. There was upwards of 27" just north in MI where I worked due to the follow-on LES. Blizz of '99 was the last classic bliz for me personally with large flakes, low vis, consistently high winds causing widespread road closures and disruption for 1-2 weeks in rural areas. #2) April 2-3 '75 Not sure if there was TSSN as posted above where I lived, but the flakes were massive fatties and the storm dumped 18" of concrete in about 17 hrs. Everything was at a stand still. Later the next day the sun came out and it was 52F but the piles of pure white snow lasted well past green-up which was unique. Playing on snow piles and going to little league practice a couple weeks later was memorable. My sister and her husband borrowed his parent's snowmobiles and rescued stranded motorists on the state highway all night. They rode them over later the next day to tell us all about their adventures. #1) Bliz of Jan 26-28 '78 I was a 13 yr old eighth grader and don't remember even being aware of a "storm watch" being in effect. My father wasn't one to let the weather interfere with his work, but that day he stayed home which made the occasion immediately memorable. We lived on the edge of a town and our 'hood was surrounded by farm fields. I remember there were massive drifts over the hedge rows and we would climb up about 8-10 feet and then the snow would give way and we would end up down inside an igloo of sorts. There was one apple tree that must've been a good 12 foot tall and it supported a drift that my buddy could ride his snowmobile over the top of it. There was literally a trail over the tree where previously nobody could go due to the farmer's fencing along his field. These kind of wx events are unforgettable as we are lucky if they happen once in our lifetimes. Please share your's as well
  2. Okay the 00z models are in the night before the big event/bust. Final chance to make predictions for the following locations! Seattle Olympia PDX Salem Eugene Bend
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