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Everything posted by El_Nina

  1. Nice seeing Mt. Hood so white still so late in the year. Not going to last long though.
  2. Something about these drought maps that makes me wonder is why it seems the severity of the drought follows along orographic lines. Just abnormally dry in the cascades where it rains much more on average than where it is severe drought in the valley which gets much less rain on average. This is supposed to be a departure from normal conditions. Have we really gotten pattern after pattern of orographic lift being favored in such a way that the drought ends up being much less severe in places that were already supposed to be getting a lot more rain?
  3. Had an extreme downpour here a bit ago that dropped nearly a half inch in 15 minutes. Up to 0.78" on the day and 4.52" for June. Over 11" of rain for May/June.
  4. 0.56" here so far today. Birds seem like they move faster as they're able to hydrate at all the puddle water sources.
  5. June is now up to 3.16". Trees are super full and it's as if the needles are all pointing out ready to absorb even more rain.
  6. 0.76" since midnight brings June to 3.01". Good for organisms that don't live in homes.
  7. Was dry at here last evening but quite rainy in the Lake Oswego and West Linn areas around 9pm. Got home around midnight and now it has been a steady rain alternating between light and heavy at times. 0.08" since midnight.
  8. Already as much rain as April this month. 1.99"
  9. I'm going on a two week vacation there again in August. Let's see how we line up then.
  10. 1.08" for the month so far. Hasn't been so lush this time of year for almost a decade.
  11. Ended May with 6.55", more than 3 times as much as April. One hundredth short of tying December. Glad to see rain already back in the forecast this weekend.
  12. After that round of thunder and heavy steady rain we're up to 0.72" today. 6.31" for the month. Amazing May.
  13. Frequent lightning and torrential rain this morning around 6. Picked up 0.30" already today. May is already the 3rd wettest month of the water year at 5.89". If it makes it past 6.56" today it will overtake December as second wettest.
  14. 0.02" of drizzle this morning followed by filtered sunshine and clouds this afternoon. Nice day.
  15. Up to 5.57" for May. First wetter than normal month since January.
  16. One of those days where the cascades along Marion county block the rain from coming up here.
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