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Everything posted by NEJeremy

  1. The cold that was being predicted by a few of the longer range models to come after the 20th is thankfully wrong. Nothing but highs in the 50s and 60s this week in the forecast. Also no real snow yet again this month despite the active pattern. We've had over 2" of rain though the past week.
  2. Had another .65" of rain on Sunday night and hadn't checked yet this morning, but it looked like last night's moisture was pretty light and we had a bit of light snow this morning. That map looks pretty accurate for my backyard on the very edge of the right side of the image. I'm in the orange colored spot in Douglas County and not including last nights, I am at about 2.05" the last few days.
  3. I had 1.4" of rain from Friday's system. Didn't have a chance to check the rain gauge this morning from the overnight rain.
  4. Meh. I’m not that worried about the summer. All you have to do is look at the forecasts of an epic winter here this winter to realize how much of a crap shoot long range forecasts are. For all the talk of how horrible it is right now, only a small portion of the state is in the abnormally dry D0 rating and red flag warnings can actually be pretty common this time of year when you have windy, low humidity days, and the vegetation is still dead from the winter.
  5. Omaha had only .01" of rain the entire month of July 2012. Was the 4th hottest July ever as well.
  6. 06Z GFS has a 969mb low at hour 276 in central Nebraska
  7. Diplomacy and talks without war or military action is ALWAYS good. Too bad this dipshit has decided the State department isn't an important part of the government by leaving numerous important positions vacant. Not having people in place that actually have experience with these types of things is a bad thing. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if he goes to this meeting, which is basically in only 2 months, with himself, Jared, Ivanka, and Kelly Conway. Oh and he'll make sure the cameras are there just like his other just-for-show meetings he's held with the press and members of Congress. First regarding immigration and DACA and then with gun control where each time he's said one thing in front of the cameras and then did the opposite once the cameras weren't there. #ShitholePresident
  8. You always keep it interesting in here Tabitha
  9. I will gladly revisit this every year going forward...
  10. That's a lot of red everywhere....
  11. Planet cooling heh? That's an interesting forecast. When is this going to start happening? https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/sotc/global/201801 https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/sotc/global/201713
  12. looks like the next big system for around the 10th has turned into a nothing burger, then it's quiet around here until the 16th or 17th.
  13. Nice map of all the snowfall reports in the region. I love these maps because you can see everything at once vs going from office to office. https://www.weather.gov/source/crh/snowmap.html?sid=fsd
  14. It's been coming down pretty good again for a while, but I'm not seeing much additional accumulation at all. Roads are still just wet and even the cars aren't accumulating anything on them. Marginal temps and stronger sun. I suppose the grass is getting some additional accumulations, but still doesn't look like much more than maybe 2" total as I can still see the grass through the snow.
  15. snowed hard here for about 5 minutes and now it's back to much lighter snow. maybe have 1-1.5" on the ground. Roads were pretty much fine everywhere when I drove into work as they had been treated and were mainly wet. Some of the side roads were a little rough, but nothing we haven't seen the 7 other times this winter we've had a 1-2" snowfall. Winds have also been nowhere near as strong as forecasted. I'd say here in town we have had gusts to 30 mph when gusts to 50-55 were in the forecast.
  16. I believe Omaha signed up for some kind of contract where nickel and dimers are all we're allowed to have now. Started a couple of years ago, and runs through the winter of 2020 at least.
  17. I'm not sure why this storm is called a bowling ball at this point. It cut hard from Colorado to the eastern Dakotas, then it does an about face, and drops back southeast before moving east. Definitely not like a bowling ball and one of the main reasons I'm sure the models are having a hard time is due to it's movement. Back in the day, a good bowling ball system meant coming out of Colorado, heads straight east, and is normally a good hit for almost everyone on this forum.
  18. we've switched to a little light snow here. Definitely a bit of a surprise, but shouldn't amount to anything with the marginal temps and rate.
  19. Yeah in a way I'd say this is more like a knuckle ball than a bowling ball
  20. I can't wait to see how yet another epic pattern on the models will give Omaha/Lincoln another 1-2" snowfall! That's all the previous amazing patterns have delivered this winter, so I'm sticking with the consistency. I'm hoping for March severe weather vs any cold/snowy pattern at this point.
  21. Our WFO has actually been very good with amounts. There has been multiple times this year where looking at models, you wonder what they are looking at with the lower amounts they forecast. In the end they have been very accurate. Of course this could be because it's Nebraska, but I actually trust their forecast numbers over what the models have been showing this winter. Amounts have consistently been overdone on almost every storm on every model from the RAP/HRRR to the NAM to the global models.
  22. A week of 40s and 50s coming up here. Wouldn’t be surprised if this is the switch to spring around these parts. March definitely not coming in like a lion, but that fits with the rest of this lame winter!
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