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Rubus Leucodermis

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Everything posted by Rubus Leucodermis

  1. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2019/03/mosque-shooter-troll-like-original-nazis/585415/
  2. Get out and vote this time, Christian fascists. Just one more time, then no more of this pesky voting stuff to have to worry about.
  3. Yes, I’m sure they did it just to piss you off.
  4. On top of that, in the 2020 primaries, she was one of what, six? eight? ten? candidates? I can’t honestly remember, there were so many of them. Resources had to be spread pretty thin given how much competition there was for campaign consultants. Now, all the Democratic Party’s consultants are trying to make Harris win. She has the best talent on call. All she has to do is learn from experience and listen to her handlers while Trump decides he’s the greatest guy in the world and doesn’t need to listen to any advice.
  5. A pretty small chance. The Secret Service is going to be a lot more careful for a while. Just for openers, expect Trump to have fewer outdoor rallies. The Secret Service has recommended he focus on indoor rallies for security reasons, and apparently the Trump campaign is complying with recommendations. https://wapo.st/46oXxpR
  6. Cute. And likewise, Hamas and their ilk argue that there are no true Israeli civilians, because they all get conscripted into the army. You are more like Hamas than you think.
  7. I wish more Americans were. And, just to forestall the "you support Hamas!" responses: No, I don't. As I just wrote, Hamas is terrible. It's possible to support self-determination for both Israel and Palestine.
  8. I wish there was more freedom to criticize Israel in the USA. But, there is not, at least if one wants to be electorally viable. As @TT-SEA just said, her fence-straddling is practical, given the coalition of voters she has to assemble. And don’t even get me started on being pro-Hamas. I support neither Hamas nor Likud. Anyone who actually supports Hamas is being stupid. Hamas is terrible.
  9. 1980s? Try the 1810s. https://www.loc.gov/resource/cph.3a44141/ Dragging up old skeletons in closets about your opponent is a time-honored tradition.
  10. A politician, pandering? Why, I’ve never even heard of such things! Unprecedented!
  11. Making cat lovers into your political enemies. Simply a master stroke. Elections are won by driving potential voters away!
  12. You mean back when there were widespread reports of excessive force being used against protests? Plus, that’s four years ago. Ancient history by US political standards.
  13. I remember Republicans saying basically the same thing about Obama in 2008 and how that meant he couldn’t win.
  14. I feel quite safe saying that they won’t. The odds of Trump swapping out his running mate are higher (and the latter is still pretty slim odds).
  15. Don’t fall into the pitfall of applying logic to emotions. Right now, there IS a lot of novelty factor working in Harris’ favour. So what if it doesn’t make logical sense? Emotional attachments seldom do. Plus, if she wins she will be the first female president. That’s a HUGE novelty factor. But the above is itself logic. What’s going on in voters’ minds remains to be seen. Trump also has higher negatives than he did in 2016, now that he comes with an insurrection and 34 indictments under his belt. Also, people know that Trump can actually win. In 2016, he was more of a theoretical threat. Some voters sat that one out or cast a protest vote for Trump despite not liking the idea of Trump in the White House, simply because they really didn’t like Hillary and believed that Trump couldn’t win. Bottom line is that post-debate Biden didn’t have a chance but Harris now has a very real chance.
  16. That was the case in, say, 1970 but is much less the case now. Most inner cities have since then gentrified significantly. Now, one of the biggest problems with urban living is simple affordability. (Although people do tend to overrate rural affordability. Yes, base prices ARE less in rural areas, but so are economic opportunities.)
  17. Way way way too much sacrificed to the cult of automobility. One of the things I like about Vancouver is they kept the noisy, dirty freeways out of the central city. Cities aren’t noisy, cars are.
  18. I was only about 99% sure it wasn’t going to last.
  19. Ah, the people who whine “unfair!” at the fascist label are back to calling everyone to their left “Marxist” again. How cute.
  20. That settles it, I'm not voting for Biden this time.
  21. Getting some showers heavy enough to cause a little street runoff this morning. 60.6˚F.
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