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Rubus Leucodermis

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Everything posted by Rubus Leucodermis

  1. Now for the Euro to come on board with that juiciness, and for the models to stick with that solution.
  2. My friend’s hairdresser’s nephew’s grandmother’s bursitis is acting up, so I am going with a super-rainy winter with lots of pineapple expresses. Science!
  3. Same here, though can’t say I’m super-surprised. Models basically all called for me to get the short end of the stick on this one.
  4. Always a bad idea to bet against summertime torching.
  5. We will be able to tell when Jesse shows up when the weenies start showing up en masse.
  6. I once had MySQL decide to do an auto-update on itself on Ubuntu Linux and it turned into an auto-corrupt instead. Fun stuff. Thankfully I take nightly backups.
  7. LOL a few light gray sprinkles maybe. Oh well, did really good on the previous events. Can’t win big on ’em all. Looks like some parts of the BC interior might score well. Hope they do. Would help with the fire situation.
  8. Have never visited but it's one of the few places in the South I do think of visiting some time. Hopefully some day. Would be nice to get my two sisters down there for Christmas sometime.
  9. That could explain a lot. I’m on the spectrum myself, so no insult intended here. Still gonna take a break for a while here. This will hopefully be my last post this week.
  10. Which was written, interestingly enough, by a socialist! And I will now try to honour the statement I made yesterday by giving this forum a break. It's not all the conservatives here, it's just one of them. Take one of the others, for instance, Andrew: He just admitted that his team REALLY stepped in it with 1/6. And they did. It’s possible to still have a team and be able to criticize it, and to make posts that are more than just echoes of what is reverberating in one’s echo chamber. And it’s possible to have actual discussions with such people, as much as both parties might be at odds when it comes to certain principles or beliefs. But when it’s a never-ending stream of talking points, ones that don’t logically follow, and with no memory of what was discussed just before, well, trying to have a discussion ends up being a bit like trying to teach a pig to sing. Have better things to spend my time on.
  11. Looks pretty thin to me… under 10 µg/m³ in most areas west of the Cascades. Anything under 50 is considered good air quality.
  12. Yes, the Right used to be able to very piously intone “We don’t riot. We are the respectable ones.” Even though it did gloss over lawbreaking by Establishment characters that was more dignified and socially acceptable, it still worked quite well on a lot of people. And now the ability to use that rhetorical device has been thrown out the window. So much winning with Trump! Tired of winning yet?
  13. In other words, when my team does it to others, it's fine. When the other team does it to me, it's unacceptable. Thanks for exhibiting your double standards. Again. And now we will be treated to an exercise in hair-splitting in which a justification is cooked up, on the spot, for why these cases are fundamentally different. And of course it won't be my team versus the other one, it will just by happy coincidence turn out to be that way. But of course it will. Again.
  14. Please, post more sh*t from your echo chamber that makes you feel good about yourself. I know you will.
  15. I did admit I was a left anarchist once. And I am. And it is also irrelevant to the points I am making. There is not a single thing I stated in the post you are responding to that requires one to ascribe the principles of anarchism (as I define them) in order to believe it. Group rights include ANY group rights. Nations, capitalist corporations, established religions, etc. all are groups. All of them. Sorry, I am not going to allow creative and selective definition of just what is and is not a group just to give someone a rhetorical escape hatch. Conservatives believe in group rights. Always have, probably always will. I will readily agree that I want some types of group rights. The rub is, SO DO YOU. We merely differ as to the exact sort of group rights, that is all. Is it OK to want to ban gun ownership just because someone thinks gun nuts are pursuing amoral hedonism in satisfying their fascination with firearms? Because I assure you many liberals think basically just that. If that’s the excuse pass to making restricting some people’s liberty acceptable, it’s basically a blank check to restrict liberty. Be careful of what principles you espouse; they might head in unexpected directions! So far as society without states goes, we know it is possible, because it once existed! So far as whether or not it is possible to do so under something other than prehistoric, Stone Age conditions, that is indeed unproven — and at any rate we are presently far from it. But I guess I’m supposed to respect and not question others’ belief in supernatural entities that have never been proven, and at the same time think myself silly for wondering if an institution that has demonstrably not always existed might not always exist in the future. If there weren’t double standards, there would be no standards at all, I guess.
  16. Oh, I think it’s going to happen. Then those challenged (which means both Biden and Trump, because both sides will do it to the other) will seek redress in the courts, and it will work its way up to the Supreme Court in relatively short order (the need to avoid a constitutional crisis will greatly expedite the appeals process). The standards will then get created by the Supreme Court.
  17. The constitution that, at the time it was written, favoured the group rights of men against women (couldn't vote, often couldn't even own property) whites against blacks (also couldn't vote, could be enslaved and owned as property), and was and is silent in the subjects of capitalism and socialism. Another ML post that makes little or no sense when parsed for meaning. ----------------------------- P.S. We’ve been through this before on group rights. Everyone favours some forms of group rights. This whole “group versus individual rights” distinction is male bovine excrement. It is this persistent arguing in bad faith, in the deliberate forgetting of previously established points, that gets to me. Trying to teach basic logical arguing to ML is a lot like trying to teach a pig to sing. I think I will take a break from here for a while.
  18. We definitely do, as @hawkstwelve said, have to establish a bright line to distinguish who is eligible to be banned from being a candidate if we start doing it, though. If it’s merely “automatic,” well nothing in government is automatic, ever. Government is made up of people. It’s people that decide to do things. The question is who decides, and what procedures and safeguards have to be gone through on the way to rendering a decision. If pretty much any old county clerk can 14th Amendment a candidate off the ballot, there are going to be right-wing clerks doing it to Biden because they honestly believe that he deliberately has done nothing to stop undocumented aliens coming in, and thus is committing crimes against US security and is in rebellion against the USA. You and I may find that laughable and weak, but they will use such pretexts. And then there will be total chaos, because Americans will no longer have a common set of major presidential candidates on their ballots. Some ballots won't have Trump, others won't have Biden. There needs to be some nationwide standard. This is going to end up in the Supreme Court if it is tried.
  19. Authorities are saying there was plenty of damage, but little or no death, due to all the warnings that were issued.
  20. That's rough. Went through it with my mother last year. She blacked out from her weak heart, took a bad fall, broke her back, and never recovered. The worst aspect was dealing with the medical-industurial complex, which basically treated all of us in her family awfully. Hopefully the hospital your dad was in did better.
  21. I was a child in the late 60’s and early 70’s, and would sometimes hear soundbites from radicals of the era on the TV news my parents were watching. Memories of such soundbytes finding traction with me are, together with the social justice teachings of the Catholic Church, and American History lessons predicated on the virtue of rebelling against unjust authority, some of my earliest glimmers of political awareness.
  22. I have yet to meat a leftist who says that inequality does not exist in the real world. Criticizing inequality is, after all, just about the whole purpose of the Left.
  23. Someone seems to be posting from an alternate universe where left leaning voters — not right-leaning ones — rioted in an attempt to make their Dear Leader president-for-life after he lost an election. Virtually every time someone on the Right makes an accusation, it is actually a confession. I think I will start numbering every time I see this happen here. This is No. 1.
  24. Max of 72.0˚F here today. Smoke has been so thick it is effectively overcast.
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