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Cascadia_Wx last won the day on May 17

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    Not Telling
  • Location
    : Camas, WA
  • Interests
    Living in fear of the cold summer in my head

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  1. Not sure yet. There are a lot of incidents popping up at the moment so hard to tell. I should find out more tomorrow. I’m not primary fire, just backup so I just go wherever there’s a need.
  2. Ended up with a 93/59 here today. One thing I will say is it’s pretty fortuitous that the coming cool down is happening to coincide with my two week stint with the fire crew this year. A sure sign that Jesus loves me better than most and agrees with my preferences.
  3. For the record, I do definitely agree with this part!!
  4. No returning hero complex. Just being in absolute shock at how low people will stoop here.
  5. The culture of the forum often puzzles and concerns me. Doesn’t match at all what I see in the real world day to day.
  6. You are probably one of the most despicable humans I’ve ever encountered
  7. Good thing I don’t give a f*ck what you think.
  8. Obviously that’s normal. Anyone who spends such an inordinate amount of time trying to convince a bunch of strangers on an Internet forum that they’re a great guy raises an eyebrow from me though.
  9. Just awful, awful weather the past few weeks.
  10. I think a 16 lane freeway cutting across the island from east to west and another from north to south would solve most of their issues.
  11. This comes off like you just made it up without doing any actual research on how wildfires are actually handled.
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