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Rubus Leucodermis

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Everything posted by Rubus Leucodermis

  1. Again, the curious double standard, with the errors in degree of the camp contenting that global warming is a problem being judged more serious than the error in fact of those contending it does not even exist.
  2. Obviously, we're special, and the rules that applied to other, lesser civilizations do not apply to us.
  3. I concede that particular point. Still, that world did not sustain OUR civilization. I still contend that it is exceptionally foolish to think our civilization could withstand the likely amount of warming it is set to create, and in a short time (geologically speaking) at that.
  4. There is really nothing particularly special about our global technological civilization, other than our particular attachment to it. Other civilizations have suffered ecological collapse, and so will ours.
  5. About halfway through the Holocene, and it ended when local environmental changes (caused by the presence of the civilization there) pushed things outside the ranges capable of sustaining that civilization. There were no civilizations around at the start of the Holocene.
  6. I'm arguing that climate stage of the sort that will happen will push the planet out of the range that has sustained our civilization. Past civilizations have ended when local environmental changes pushed things outside the range of being able to sustain them.
  7. “Civilization describes a complex way of life characterized by urban areas, shared methods of communication, administrative infrastructure, and division of labor.” Just because there were humans around does not mean there was civilization. https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/key-components-civilization/
  8. There was no human civilization around halfway back through the Holocene!
  9. Again, as if getting the details wrong is worse than getting the basic fact of existence wrong. Sorry, this just does not make sense.
  10. Considering it is set to push the planet well outside the temperature range that has sustained human civilization so far, that seems quite a reasonable assumption.
  11. With the little matter of there being A LOT more scientific evidence for the basic physics behind a warming planet than there is for the existence of any religion’s deity or afterlife.
  12. Yes, obviously those who deny global warming is even happening at all are less incorrect than those who get the details wrong or whose style or rhetoric gets under your skin.
  13. Some people tend to forget there are two words in the phrase global warming.
  14. I think we need to follow the example of the old Soviet Union and have a system of internal passports to regulate where Americans live. That would sure increase liberty! /sarc
  15. I guess paragraphs are “woke” now.
  16. Same story IMBY. Now 81.5˚F after a max of 87.3˚F. Another 90-burger denied.
  17. https://capitalbnews.org/newbern-alabama-black-mayor/
  18. Unless the DP is above 75°F, it will feel dry to Phil.
  19. I was talking about overall winter temperatures, which are usually warmer than normal in this region during El Niño conditions. Of course nearly all winters have at least one mild spell.
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