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Everything posted by MIKEKC

  1. WOW! Just 50 miles to the SW of KC, temperatures have soared to 80 degrees!!!! Meanwhile, kc just got out of the 40's and jump to 53 degrees. Now that's a true warm front
  2. March 23-24th 1912, KC had a 25 inch snow storm and Olathe, KS set a state record of 36 INCHES!!! OMG!! And, the EURO just came out with a potential snow for KC Friday night.... I'll bet it's under the 25 inches form 1912
  3. The EURO has KC going into a developing comma head on Friday night.... Interesting.....
  4. Snowstorm in KC 1 week from today.... The pattern is far from springy!! Anybody have teleconnections or other data to support a wintry last week of March which nobody wants.
  5. Winter wanting to hang out right up to April 1st. This is at the end of the Canadian model....
  6. KC had a squall line of snow hit the city around 9:00-10:00pm last night. HEAVY snow with 30-40mph gusts causing very low visibility for about and hour. It left a beautiful snow covered landscape and grass scene this morning. Low temp bottomed out around 8:00am at 21 degrees for my area. I love winter scenes!!!
  7. Hey Tom, any sustained warmth coming soon for the heartland. I see some warmth next week, but, more chances of freezes and possible snow look to hang out the rest of the month into April!! A couple bumps in there, but, not many. A low of 15 tomorrow morning and a high of maybe just 28-30 for KC tomorrow. That's 30 degrees below average. This is an impressive cold airmass coming in this weekend.
  8. March here in KC has been quite wet and cold, a couple warm days in there. 15-18 degrees Saturday and Sunday mornings this weekend!!! It does not appear that we have any sustained warmth for the rest of the month. Matter of fact, freezes look likely through early April. Anybody see any sustained warmth coming anytime soon? More cold likely??
  9. NWS discussion this morning for KC....interesting Models hint at a TROWAL developing, allowing cold and moist air to mix down to the surface behind the front, providing blustery conditions and rapidly dropping temperatures behind the front. What this also means for us this the chance for snow showers and possible blizzard-like conditions Thursday evening into Friday morning as this system exits. Forecast confidence in this scenario is low, however with the DGZ saturated, given adequate lift, and model soundings showing a completely below freezing thermodynamic profile, we can`t rule out the chance for some snow with this system
  10. GFS has an interesting take for KC. Temps soar to 65 or so Thursday, thunderstorms Thursday evening over to a some heavy sleet over to snow. Possibly 1-3 inches of it with some good wind and temps falling to 18 by Friday morning. That would be quite impressive and a great way to finish a frustrating winter. This storm per the LRC hit around Jan. 25th, KC had 1-3 inches of wet snow while the heaviest snow fell east of here up to Michigan. Anybody remember that, we had a storm thread. 51 days ago come Thursday/Friday this week. Is the GFS falling right into the same track that happened 51 days ago??
  11. Quite the wintry morning here in KC, minus any snow cover. 25 degrees, north wind and cloudy. YUCK! What's the storm going to do later this week...anyone? KC could have thunderstorms with temps 65-70, followed by rain to a mix and maybe a coating of snow by Friday morning with temps falling to 22-24 degrees.
  12. 102.8 inches of snow in Grand Rapids!!!! WOW....sounds like it was a snowy winter there. More to come in what looks to be a very cold pattern for them the rest of the month.
  13. If we can keep this a storm in about 6-7 days, it appears it will have much colder air to work with in the heartland.
  14. I would love to see a 2" snow. Here in KC we would call it AMAZING after 11 rainstorms in the mid 30's this winter...
  15. GFS still showing some potential one week from today, a rather strong push of cold air and a possible storm... Another good snow coming for Iowa tomorrow? May sneak into northern MO. KC will be close to some snow tomorrow morning as temps will be near 32 as moisture moves in.
  16. Some decent signs for some late season cold...
  17. Finish with a bang here in KC??? Could there be a winter storm brewing for St. Patrick's Day in the heartland?
  18. HEAVY SNOW in Des Moines, Iowa, just pulled up the live traffic cams, beautiful winter scene. You guessed it, rain here in KC. The winter of rain continues.
  19. I think I agree, should be a wet growing season. You're right, TOO much of a good thing can hurt business.
  20. The GFS, often referred to as garbage on here has actually done some pretty good forecasting inside 4 days this winter. Looks like its going to score another victory with this snow event. I agree with some, it seems that the WSW's are out of place. Tough to call this time of year, going to have to snow hard in these areas that see it during the day tomorrow. ITS MARCH!! Good luck to the folks that get these last few snows, I sure wish KC could see one last snow. KC is king of rain storms this winter. #10 rain storm happened last night. #11 is on its way tomorrow. I blame Clinton!!! (LOL) I'm over 9 inches of rain since Dec. 1st. WOW!
  21. WOW! The GFS and GEM have full blown winter from Iowa up to Chicago into Michigan for the next 2-3 weeks. Cold temps and multiple snow chances. Hell, the data looks way better here in March then it ever did in Dec/Jan/Feb.
  22. A March glacier in IOWA??? Total for two storm between Thursday and Sunday. Hey KC, take your rain, mid 30's and shove it!!! Tom, the ole Canadian is teasing you, or is it??
  23. Garbage pattern alert! Geez, not one 60 degree temp in KC for the next 2 weeks, if not longer. YUCK!
  24. My bad, winter may not be over...the GFS has 6-23 inches from east to west across the city St. Patty's Weekend. Tom, it certainly looks stormy next weekend right around the parade. LRC suggests so too
  25. Winter looks like its over for KC, never really got going this year. Pattern still looks active, but, we will likely be on the warm side of the systems. With our really wet winter, grass is greening up and even growing on the warmer side of buildings. A great weather pattern this winter, just didn't have the cold to go with it. Beautiful 73 degrees yesterday in KC, although the wind was a problem. More snow to our north over the next few weeks, right where it has been all season. Enjoy!
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