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  1. Added another .48 inches of rain last night and no real severe weather in the immediate KC area. Drought busting rains the last 10 days that came on the heels of 90+ days of very dry weather. Thick, wet grass and fast growing vegetation in KC, it must be MAY. Weather pattern looks to be more dry than wet over the next 10 days. Some cool weather in there to to end the week. 40's for some overnight lows.
  2. We need to pull in a lot of thunderstorms!!! Very dry pattern continues for KC. Less than 2 inches of moisture in 71 days. A lot of dry air masses to go with that. It's April, time to get wet as the the vegetation will be using it much faster. Tonight's rain chances look fast and not that much...maybe I'll catch a good storm.
  3. Tom, I hear ya loud and clear on those silly agreements!!!! Anyway, it appears the middle of the nation has a shot at a cooler and wetter April??? We really need moisture, last 60 days I have only seen 1.56 inches of rain and 1.2 of that came in 30 minutes. Lots of dry air masses and wind has really dried us out.
  4. How bout Minneapolis?? Didn't you get blasted by snow, turn over to rain for 24 hours or so and now, wind and heavy snow on the backside of the same storm? Incredible. According to radar, it looks like it's ripping up there and temps have have dropped.
  5. HELL YEAH! Good ole fashion blizzard! Lucky you. Here in KC I received .009 inches of moisture. We are dry!!
  6. Beautiful Blizzard for some of you. Some got the shaft on snow and rain...yep, KC got the shaft too. I only recorded .004 from yesterday's rain and the 50mph winds dried that up quickly. I was hoping to see some more as we are quite dry here. Spring started fast here, but, with limited moisture and now some cold air, spring is on pause. Maybe we see a line of storms later today and tomorrow morning could be interesting here as data is showing a good chance of some snow with the ULL. 70's by Friday!!
  7. YEP! Not looking good for us, is it? We got a gully washer last Wednesday evening, but, it came so fast that most ran off. Very dry air masses after that caused that to dry up by the weekend. Our moderate drought looks to continue. The storms next week look good at times but now appears to be hit and miss for our area again.
  8. Yep. Tom, it's happening in KC too. The homeless or migrant tents have tripled in #'s the last few years in certain parts of the city... My business is getting beat up with the heavy cost of operations. The idea that costs have come down is a joke! We tried to hand down the cost and lost a lot of clients. (which is okay since we weren't making money at the previous prices, so, why have them) The biggest hit is our builders, we work for 7 of them in KC and they have gone to a crawl in giving us installs. I'm 25% less busy this year on contracts and landing large scale landscape installs are hard to find. Plus, the pay is very slow and some not paying at all. Folks are simply out of money. I employ 70 people too, we've hung on for 3 years without layoffs, but, they are likely coming this year. I've worked the streets in sales in the landscape industry for 30 years, since the age of 15. I know when people are out of money. The street doesn't lie... I have employees taking loans out against their 401 K's to survive. We have struggled to staff for 3 years now, but, this year, crazy amount of staff has become available to us. We ask them all where they are coming from and many have said they were laid off or their employer shut up shop. We had more interviews in the last month then we had in 3 years total!!! We finally have the staff we wanted and now, we don't have the work we need. #Weneedchange!!!
  9. WOW! That band of snow in Iowa near Cedar Rapids and Iowa City was crazy looking on radar. Has to be some surprise amounts from that....Winter Storm Warning was issued quickly. Forecasting on the fly!!! Surprise snow amounts are the best.
  10. Interesting weather pattern setting up for almost all of us. KC could see all forms of weather, some spring temps, some heavy rain, some sleet, maybe accumulating snow, more freezes. It must be March!!
  11. I can't believe the NWS did not have freeze warnings for MO last night. We're literally in full bloom in KC....dropped to 21 degrees in parts of the city this morning. I'm wondering if that knocked out our spring color on the perennial flowering trees and plants. We'll know here soon. More cold to come it appears...
  12. Had a big supercell thunderstorm hit the heart of the city yesterday evening between 7-9pm, large hail SW of my house, but the hail core weakened once it arrived. We had very heavy rain which all fell in about 30 minutes, so, it was a runner, not a soaker. Our biggest rain by far in the last 52 days as I saw 1.57 inches. North side counties of KC have entered back into the moderate drought headline. So, last nights rain was good but we'll need much more as we are in full swing with growing. Plants/grass will be using the moisture much faster. Maybe 25 degrees here Monday morning. That just might nip some of the color on the blooming trees. Hopefully we miss the deep cold the last 7 days of March. Again, we are too far into bloom for long duration cold nights.
  13. OH NO! I knew it, with a very warm FEB and start to March, we are in full bloom in KC. Hoping the damaging cold stays north of here.
  14. Hey Clinton, Dang it, the storm yesterday did not deliver the 1-2 inches we desperately needed. 43 straight days of almost no moisture put the north side of KC back in a moderate drought after all headlines were removed following the very wet Nov.-Jan. 20th period. Only .29 at my place. They did much better on the south side of the city, south of 70. Any thoughts on the second half of March. I see some flashing signs of potential damaging freezes. I say damaging as we have a lot of stuff blooming in KC right now. Maybe you or Tom can go in depth on a possible late season winter charge. What's you seeing??
  15. I love surprise snow storms!!! Do you know what the highest total in NEB. was?? Have fun in the snow. Here in KC the drought is intensifying...we did have rain yesterday, but for my part of KC, it was an under achiever at only .29 inches. The NWS forecast was for 1-2 inches. Hopefully we get wet this month. And, how much snow ended up falling at your place. I thought you were in the 1-3 inch forecast range.
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