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Minny_Weather last won the day on August 26 2021

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    Alexandria, MN

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  1. All I know is anything would top last winter here... One heavy snowfall and it happened in late March.
  2. Hit a dew point of 80 yesterday before the storms hit. Legitimately don't know the last time I've felt a DP that high, it has to have been back when I lived on the Gulf Coast. I've been super fortunate with a cool, dry summer with only a handful of "hot" days. Of course with the crops finally up, the humidity side of that will change pretty fast.
  3. That's exactly what I did in 2020 in ND. Trump was always gonna win ND so I threw my vote at a write-in candidate. Now that I live in a state that could *theoretically* go either way, I think I need to actually think before voting. Like I said yesterday, I'm more concerned about my local judge election than I am about the presidential election at this point.
  4. I have a stutter too. She can f right off with that excuse lol
  5. I haven't been giving Trump enough credit for the first 15 or so minutes of the debate, I guess. When the topics were immigration and the economy, two of the biggest things that went well in his presidency, he actually did a great job of answering what he was asked. He also mostly let Biden talk, which is a step forward from the last time these two were at it. It went downhill when it came to the things that people could argue Trump didn't do right, such as January 6, abortion (let the record show I agreed with Trump here), and his criminal allegations. That's when he went back to the Trump that we're all familiar with in debates.
  6. Anyone who is willing to break free from the progressive status quo and focus on issues that are actually affecting people would be their best choice. Unfortunately that's impossible to find now. Fetterman is the closest I could think of but he's never going to be president. So the next best thing is potential candidates who have woke views but also have their priorities in order, which is why I said earlier that I don't think Whitmer would be the worst thing in the world. It's for similar reasons that I don't hate Tim Walz (though he's never shown any interest in being president).
  7. Makes me happy how much is done at the state level in this country. California is an illegal immigration disaster right now and it's Newsom's sanctuary state policy that made it that way.
  8. Newsom would make me nervous. He's an absolutely abhorrent governor, but he's a great candidate and I think he would win a presidential election against even an average Republican candidate even with the current state of the country.
  9. I still have a very hard time respecting Jackson's appointment to the Supreme Court because it was made VERY CLEAR by the Dems that it was a quota hire (we MUST make a black woman the successor on the SCOTUS).
  10. I could live with Whitmer. Besides the whole COVID tyranny thing (which was terrible and did stain my originally favorable image of her), she's been reasonable and has had good priorities as governor imo. Newsom can go eff himself. I will vote for Trump if he is nominee, he is literally no better than Kamala.
  11. "This was an absolute dumpster fire and a trainwreck, and Gretchen Whitmer and Gavin Newsom should be waiting by the phone" -ABC
  12. ... Yes? Have you never seen me in this thread which I have been posting to for 7 years? I lean right. It's possible to be reasonable and see both sides of the coin while also leaning a certain way. Trump won the debate tonight but he deserves zero credit for it.
  13. It was an a** whooping and it would have been regardless of who was on the Republican side of the stage.
  14. Do you think I'm gonna disagree with this or something? Of course he did. The difference is that Biden was very clearly senile tonight. Trump had the upper hand tonight and all he had to do was let his ego go and give succint answers to the questions and nothing more. Let Biden dig his own grave. Unfortunately, Trump has never acted in his own interest during debates.
  15. I agree, but it's also not a hard bar to clear. He has a long history of "winning" debates by doing nothing but personally attacking his opponents.
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