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Chewbacca Defense

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Everything posted by Chewbacca Defense

  1. I have 1-2 "residents" who are very protective of their feeder. When I went out at one point, I had one pop up out of the bushes and follow me, poor guy/gal was moving slow. As soon as I got the warm feeder up it was on it and stayed there for a long time. My set up does good as long as there is not any wind.... but with a 3-5 degree ambient temperature and 10 or so mph winds it doesn't stand a chance.
  2. Back up to a balmy 4.8 degrees here. Because of the winds, I am having to swap out my hummingbird feeder about every hour or so even with my red neck attempts to heat it. I have some thick shrubs on the side of my deck that is out of the wind where they can take refuge.
  3. 4.5 degrees this morning with a DP of -13.5. Had the power flicker a few times, but so far the lights have stayed on. Still quite windy out. Looks like 56mph is still the peak gust at KBLI, and they just hit 4 degrees as well
  4. down to 15.4F with a DP of -0.8F. Winds have been quite impressive but have not gotten to the point of making the windows rattle. Anyone know when the outflow winds are supposed to peak? I know the wind advisory we have up here runs until 7am Saturday.
  5. Power is out on the Guide here in Bellingham, which for those not familiar with the area is the main "shopping district" for the area, and also has a ton of apartments and condos. it is also near the middle of the Frasier outflow blast zone, so if they don't get the power back on soon, its going to be a miserable night for a lot of people.
  6. Ah crap no way that makes it to me....I've been looking at the Seattle radar, when I switched up to the radar in Abbotsford, that snow is evaporating as soon as it hits the main outflow winds.....oh well.
  7. Down to 21, Dewpoint is 10. I'm on the edge of the outflow cone, and how much wind I get is very dependant on how the elements driving the outflow align. For the main outflow last winter, we really did not see much wind, and were pretty slow to cool down. Not the case with this outflow. Pretty much all of the snow that fell earlier has evaporated. Nothing but frozen ground here.
  8. That's about when my wife's family settled in the Flint Creek valley if I remember correctly. The core of the house my mother in law grew up in was actually the original cabin when they settled. Not much bigger than a studio apartment, and to think that a decent sized catholic family crammed in there. Today it is the kitchen, with an area for the washer/dryer and a small desk. As it progressed through generations, they built out in pretty much all directions. The downstairs is pretty nice but upstairs is rather "rustic" When I first started going there they had 2 oil stoves to heat the house, but they have since been converted to propane. The only way to get heat up there is through grates in the floor. Otherwise it was single pain glass and very little insulation. One winter my wife and I had to sleep in the coldest room upstairs. We had one of those mineral oil radiator/heaters, 3-4 blankets, sweatpants, wool socks, shirt, sweatshirt, and flannel shirt and STILL froze. I think it went into the mid negative 20's that night outside, no idea how cold it got for us inside.
  9. Oh it's well beyond that, we are talking chocolate (mud) dipped dog! She has a lot of feathering on her chest/belly and legs, so when she gets to running around its just bad. I'm probably going to do a french drain system this spring, but I need to work out the logistics of a sump pump to lift the water up to tie in to my gutter drain. I had standing surface water last night after only .22" of rain.
  10. I guess the website that tracked pressure gradients doesn't include Canada any more. Whatcom County Weather page is tracking it manually, and CYWL-BLI is currently -17.2
  11. Unfortunately, its battling extremely dry air. We are getting some flakes hitting the ground, but not much. The clouds are getting pretty thick, so maybe they will develop enough umph to get some good snowfall rates down to the ground. Currently 24 with a DP of 19
  12. I think in a previous life she was a husky, trying to get her to understand that this is as good as it’s gonna get. On the plus side the back yard is freezing up so she will be able to run around and have fun in the back yard!
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