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Chewbacca Defense

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Everything posted by Chewbacca Defense

  1. Sounds like the used car market is starting to collapse, with the imminent collapse of Carvana being one of the main drivers.
  2. We live in an area that traditionally has a reliable power grid, but it has been a little more shaky in recent years, probably due to all of the growth. We do not have a secondary heat source, so I finally pulled the trigger on a generator before the storm last December to power the blower on my gas furnace. I got a Honda Generator (1800 or 2300 W model) for about $1,200 or so. I didn't use it then, but I did have to use it this past summer on a very warm rainy day after an equipment failure in the grid left us without power for about 8 hours. The fridge got up into the low 40's so I fired up the generator to get it cooled back down.
  3. This ice event at the end took a couple of points off....I guess you could say it lost points for "not sticking the landing" But yeah, gets high marks for the quantity and quality of the snow, and a 13/5 day is nothing to sneeze at.
  4. Yup, pretty much happened here. Woke up at 6 and took the dog out and it was 33, by the time she ate and went out for her "morning constitutional" it was around 44-45 (I can't remember, I posted about it earlier). I am sheltered from the south winds so it takes a little longer, but yeah I can totally believe that.
  5. Lots of breaking branches as well. The winds are already picking up here which definitely does not help matters.
  6. Just went from 33 at 6:05 to 45 at 6:35 The noise coming out of the woods behind my house is deafening, I shot some video and will post after I have a chance to go through them. At least 2 neighbors have trees down in their yard, I’m sure there’s more further down the tree line
  7. Warming up to 27 but the ice is getting really thick, and starting to get some icicles on my back deck.
  8. Took the dog out a little bit ago, and the ice that has formed on top of the snow has gotten thick enough that I am not breaking through any more which of course means its now very slippery. My previous footpaths were still rough enough to keep traction, but if I stepped out of them it was over. Probably have to bust out the shoe spikes the next time we go out. Still sitting at 26 and waiting for the warmup. Also the rain intensity has increased as well.
  9. About 1/4” of ice IMBY, hanging at 24 degrees IMG_5112.MOV
  10. 24 and sleet/freezing rain here, looks like it’s been going on for at least a couple of hours.
  11. Temp dropped from 19 down to 16 and snowing at a pretty good clip now. The previously bare pavement (from shoveling) is now completely covered. It quit screwing around and got down to business about an hour ago
  12. Yeah I knew it was definitely digital, but I thought I read somewhere that it was encrypted as well. Looks like I'll need to fire up one of my SDR setups and figure out how to tune in to them. A quick search and I think I found a "how to" website.
  13. How in the heck are you listening to them? I thought they had gone to encrypted digital radios
  14. I was just out side and it started percipitating......started out with some sort of sleet/graupel like stuff, but it has switched over to light snow here. Currently 19 after a low of 5. I have everything ready to McGyver my furnace to my generator.
  15. I miss him too, he was the best, especially when it came to snow.
  16. Kinda fun having this new weather display set up and watching the precip move in. I need to figure out how to get my personal weather station to display on it, currently 12 here as opposed to the 16 it is showing. Im guessing that is at the airport
  17. You should be fine until you get off the freeway. Once you hit the side roads all bets are off. I think there are a couple of spots on the freeway with some black ice or are snow covered, but overall from what I have read I-5 is in good shape.
  18. Just walked past my weather station display and saw that its 5 degrees out right now. Impressive cold we've got going on here!
  19. Yeah been sitting at 10 for a few hours here too. Dewpoint is down to -7.1
  20. My house is seeing the most wind today since this whole thing began. Got down to 9 this morning and it currently sitting at 13. Trying to remember if I put anti-gel in my diesel tank, I think diesel starts to gel at around 15 degrees.
  21. Unfortunately a lot of folks in that part of the country DO have to venture out into it to tend to the cattle. I have a friend who lived on her aunt's cattle ranch up on the hi-line part of Montana. She said it was so cold one winter they were boiling water in the house and by the time they got it across the yard to the barn it had a thin layer of ice on it. I think it ended up being one of the biggest cold snaps on record, but don't remember what she said the temp was.
  22. That's hard to wrap my head around....change in temp of 8 degrees a *minute* That would be awesome to witness/experience for sure.... also...wind out of the SSW at 12, dead calm 7 minutes later, then 32 gusting to 39 out of the NW 3 minutes after that. I have experienced wind change like that, but not a temp drop.
  23. Its nothing too fancy, takes about 20 minutes to set up. Once you get the OS installed, grab the file off github, grab a few API's and set up a couple of scripts. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTGTB1sD3MQ
  24. LOL Just walked outside and lo and behold it’s snowing again
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