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Everything posted by SilverFallsAndrew

  1. Got down to 38 this morning. Not earth shattering by any means, but a clear switch from the mild lows of September.
  2. It is hard to argue that life is much easier and there are far more opportunities now than in the 1860s. I think it would be interesting to live back in those times, but I don't think I would trade if given the choice. In the late 1800s alcoholism was an extremely bad social problem. Far worse than we can really even imagine in our contemporary time.
  3. Laura Ingalls Wilder was born in 1867 and lived until 1957, so most people died younger back then of course, but a long life was still possible.
  4. Well if we are going to be historically accurate the period portrayed in Laura Ingalls Wilder's writings was 1870-1894, so late 1800s.
  5. Little House on the Prairie was set after the Civil War. At least the books, I've never seen the TV show.
  6. Mid and long range GFS appear to be trending cooler and wetter.
  7. - 5 departure today at SLE. -3 departure at PDX and EUG.
  8. Yeah 00z is colder. 522 thicknness line dips into NE Washington.
  9. 18z operational is still pretty dry down here, but points an absolute fire hose at Vancouver Island.
  10. "Blackhole" talked about them a lot in his Facebook posts about Utah weather too. He just got a job with the Phoenix NWS, which is pretty cool.
  11. 54/41 here yesterday. Looks like SLE came in with a -4 departure yesterday too.
  12. What people forget is that no matter how "stupid" a talk show host sounds, they make their living talking and arguing. You are not going to beat them at their own game.
  13. Next you will tell me Paul Ryan is a Republican! No seriously, maybe I will check it out and judge the validity. Would be interesting at least to see where they get their numbers from.
  14. My buddy went on as a guest with Lars once and got totally destroyed. It was so bad his mom called in the next day and disowned him. It was funny because he was a huge Lars fan before that happened. It is always good to bring up for a good laugh at his expense.
  15. Don't pile on the most oppressed minority in our country. We just got done with Self-loathing September.
  16. To an extent yes. It is just late October-March is so reliably damp and overcast. It kind of gets stuck in people's minds.
  17. Definitely a warming trend towards the 20th on the long range GFS. Perfect for a late month crash!
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