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Everything posted by SilverFallsAndrew

  1. Ended up with 0.23" of rain today. A nice start.
  2. I hear they have nice winters in Poland. I had an Airbnb guest from Poland once. One of the most beautiful women I have ever seen.
  3. A nice shower moving through Salem right now.
  4. I would love to visit Poland. A little too Catholic for my taste, but they seem to have it going on over there.
  5. Looks like a cute little town. Is there good fishing in the river? Just looked up their climate. They average more precip and snow than I do.
  6. Plz post constantly while on vacation. In fact if possible please just stay in the hotel so as not to lose the WiFi signal.
  7. I really enjoy rain this time of year. It is almost as if you can watch the life being breathed back into the earth.
  8. Looks like we will be getting quite a bit more rain over the next couple of weeks than places further north in Washington.
  9. Not worth obsessing in May whether we are going to get light or moderate showers...
  10. There was a May in the early 2000s that Central Oregon got a ton of rain and Prineville flooded. I want to say 2001.
  11. I had a large spruce die during the summer of 2017. That has been the most significant loss so far.
  12. Been walking around the property seeing how many trees didn't make it after last summer which was our 6th consecutive scorching summer. This is the time of year you notice the conifer die offs. So far I've only spotted 2 small Douglas Fir that are dying/dead. Not a bad toll. A lot of the planted tree farms in the 500-1000' range look to be experiencing massive die offs, especially in the stands that have not been thinned.
  13. Yeah we're going to get a few days of light rain and showers. WOWZERS
  14. Up to 88 at my brothers house in Coquille down in Coos County, OR.
  15. It snowed here on May 22, 2013. Silver Falls had a 41/35 day. Snow did not stick at my house, but did above about 1800'.
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