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Everything posted by WildrootParable

  1. Genuinely grinning like an idiot at all the OR-flavored joy here right now. So awesome! Y'all deserve it! It's definitely sticking here, now. We've had constant, light snow for the last several hours and I think we probably just passed 1/2 inch on gravel and cars, though not sticking to the concrete patio/streets that I can tell.
  2. Woke up to a dusting, which melted pretty quickly, but now we're getting the sweetest flurries! Tiny flakes and not obviously landing (yet), but oh so picturesque while I finish up work for the day.
  3. Oh my goodness, I'm tuning in late to the party and I've completely missed the chatter about tonight! Sorry for the weenie question, but chances of impact on Gorst area, anyone?
  4. Oops, finally just got our first crack of thunder! It's happening, whatever it is!
  5. Right now it's a very typical February day out there: cold and gray, no precip of any kind. Very curious to see how this all shakes out! Some thunder and enough flakes to make things pretty would be perfectly satisfactory.
  6. Hi all, been a while! Wasn't going to say anything because I thought it would be just a bit of snow and mostly mix, but it's been dumping snow here now for a little over an hour and accumulating nicely on trees, roofs, grass. Such a lovely surprise!
  7. A couple of icy detail shots from earlier...
  8. Pretty dramatic warmup/thaw happening here. Steady precip, all rain. Trees and icicles all dripping heavily. The ice/snow on the roof is getting saturated with water. Haven't been outside yet to check, but I'm guessing we have standing water on top of the solid ice. Temp around 33.
  9. Good morning! Same story as a lot of you: about 1/4 inch of ice and it's still drizzling. Took the dog out and the yard/walkways were almost impassable. Our only saving grace was the texture of the crunched up ice from our previous footsteps. He was NOT a fan. Grateful we still have power and no obvious signs of tree damage. Temp around 30.
  10. Our precip has arrived, but I think they got my order wrong. Looks an awful lot like rain, to me. It's still cold enough to land and freeze, so I'm gonna be keeping an eye on it. But that's it from me, tonight. Stay safe, everyone!
  11. Found the one downside to my home office: there's no light outside this window, so I have to keep jumping up periodically and running to the front door to check for precip in the outdoor garage light. It's getting tiring.
  12. Still anxiously crossing my fingers that being in the "snow zone" might hold true for us tonight. But based on what y'all are saying, that seems like a slim possibility now. I'm actually less concerned for us than I am for our sweet but VERY stubborn elderly neighbor, who is pretty determined not to cut any of her trees down or do any pruning, so she ends up with WAY too many overhanging branches for my liking. It's going to be a long night of checking in on her, I reckon.
  13. Is it still snowing for you, up there?
  14. I've got so much nervous energy waiting for this thing to kick off. The sky looks heavy, the radar looks busy, and the weather apps are doing their thing, giving us snow icons across the board. But nary a flake yet. It's maddening.
  15. The weather apps are reporting snow for us right now, but I'm not seeing anything significant.
  16. It's very strange to be out in 27 degree weather and it feels decidedly "warmer" to me after the 17 degrees we had earlier this morning. Also, I'm still learning how to read the radar, but was the amount of precipitation showing up so early a predicted thing? I thought we weren't supposed to get anything falling until late tonight, but it really looks like it's ready to snow/sleet/something out there...
  17. I think they've been burned so many times by getting over-communicative about winter storms and then can't handle the inevitable frustration from the citizenry when an event doesn't go as predicted, especially if people have canceled plans or panic-bought every loaf of bread from every grocery store within a ten mile radius. But it seems to me that it's better to overcommunicate and be wrong than undercommunicate and place people in potential danger. Being wrong and getting yelled at is better than being right, not saying anything, and being indirectly responsible for preventable harm.
  18. Same. Nothing better. The electricity in our house is a bit dodgy (that's the next big investment we need to make, sigh) so we quickly got out of the habit of using the baseboards and only use the woodstove from pretty much October through April or so. It's the best.
  19. Does that go for Kitsap in general or for your specific location?
  20. Boy, was it beautiful today! Taken at the small lake near our house this morning.
  21. Down to about 19 now. Wind chill at Bremerton Airport is 7.
  22. After hovering around 27 degrees all day, we're slowly ticking down. Now at 23-24, and the Bremerton Airport is reporting wind chill of 10 degrees, which I believe. That sucker is COLD out there!
  23. Wasn't expecting any precipitation today at all. It's not snowing hard, but it's definitely still snowing.
  24. We picked up another 1/2 inch overnight. It's around 27 degrees and we've got some lingering flakes falling. So crunchy out there!
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