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Everything posted by Seattle

  1. Hah. One of Seattle’s 30 plows just came by. Good on them.
  2. Still dumping snow here in Ravenna. Extremely wet snow. What an unexpected turn of events!
  3. Won’t be sleeping for awhile if the Euro is to be believed. Doing a little snow walk now to enjoy winter wonderland.
  4. I am shocked. I was ensconced safely in bed and read some obs here about snow returning closer to lower north Seattle so I decided to take a peak outside. It’s absolutely dumping snow. I have a quick .5”.
  5. All that yellow is a heavy mix of snow and rain in Ravenna/Roosevelt 220ish’
  6. Snow really picked up in south Seattle but turned to rain/snow mix at the top (lowest elevation) of the rainier valley.
  7. Temp 34, dewpoint back down to 30 at KSEA, winds ESE. Not a bad position to be, just need heavier precip.
  8. Realistically, how long do we hold onto the snow at let's say each of the following points Olympia/Tacoma/Seattle/Everett?
  9. Interesting wind shift at the onset of the snow at SEA. From SE to N/ESE??
  10. Stickage in south Seattle (Othello)! between this and USA v Iran, I am not going to get much work done today
  11. Light snow in Ravenna (N Seattle). More than a flurry. Car reads 31. Let’s go!
  12. Between Jan 2012 and Feb 2019, I never had more than 2-3” of snow that lasted longer than 24 hours in Seattle proper. Things really flipped in 2019 and we’ve had 3/4 past winters with exceptional events (hopefully 4/5 soon!). It’s easy to forget how long we can go with just scraps, so I do really feel for our Oregonian friends.
  13. I mean inter-hour obs at KSEA is bumping around for 39 to 37 (cooling trend). So it's probably 38 there. Seems like we're already there. And dew point is down to 28.
  14. How about persistently cool winters? Have we ever just had a bunch of upper 30s/low 40s for days on end?
  15. Plus Crystal and Timberline! Stevens could open if they wanted to, but they're sticking to 12/2.
  16. Looks like 51/36 at KSEA today with light to steady east wind all day. Looks like it should be a touch cooler tomorrow to return highs to the 40s.
  17. Looks like it only got down to 35 at KSEA. North wind has been blowing all morning. It's cold outside! It should get below freezing tonight, but maybe we'll pull a PDX and stumble at 33 or something silly like that.
  18. Can confirm. Nothing much in accumulation, but it's got me decently distracted for the end of the work day!
  19. I had to drive to Bellingham for work today and got to enjoy the brief snow showers that hit around 11-12. Car thermometer briefly dipped to 30. 'Twas exciting! Currently a mix of decently heavy rain and ice pellets in Ravenna/Roosevelt. Sky is ominously dark. One of these days I'll get a little weather station.
  20. That would be classic PDX. Is it the river location that consistently produces warm lows, apart from when the backdoor through the Gorge opens?
  21. Looks like today will be KSEA's first sub-50 high of the winter. Looking at 45/46. Almost got into the 30s to, but looks like temps bottomed out at 40 this morning. I wonder if we'll have an 11:59 low.
  22. It's too bad we don't have official snow measurements at SEA or BLI from the 96 storm. Have we ever had an AR snow event followed by reinforcing cold, instead of an abrupt warmup? Now that would be something else.
  23. Looks like the high at KSEA today was at midnight or thereabouts at 54/55. It's been a slow drop throughout the day. Currently 46. Feels amazing outside! Took in all my outdoor summer/indoor winter plants today.
  24. What would our climate be like if the Rockies and associated ranges did not exist, but the Cascades/Coast Mtns did?
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