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Everything posted by TacomaWx

  1. You’ve literally been saying winter is done all winter long
  2. lol you’re seriously going to Alaska to escape some 70 degree weather in March
  3. Yeah, I get what you mean about it being worrisome based off of some recent lead ups to hot summers. If it’s just the beginning of an overall warm/dry spring with much warmer than normal temperatures it could definitely be a problem. Atleast we have gotten some mountain snows in the last couple weeks. I’m sure we will get atleast one or two more mountain snow patterns before we get into the heart of the warm season.
  4. Lol no I was saying 2011. Something like 2019 I feel like is the best we can do nowadays. Hopefully I’m wrong about that though. All I’m saying is an early March warm spell while not ideal for mountain snowpack does not mean we’re setting the stage for a devastating fire season. What happens later on will determine that.
  5. Part of there not being wildfire smoke back in the day was based on fire suppression for nearly a century though. Now that’s caught up with us. We shouldn’t have suppressed what is unfortunately a natural process. Wildfires have been here long before we were here…since we suppressed the problem for so long now forests are primed to burn. Big problem that coincides with our warming/drying summer climate.
  6. I feel like we have this conversation all the time leading up to the warm season. What happens leading up to the warm season…especially this early doesn’t mean that much for how bad the fire season will be. A warm dry spring overall can be a bad thing coupled with a hot summer. However it can be mitigated by late spring/early summer rain. Or lots of marine layer days throughout the summer and a lack of big offshore winds in early fall.
  7. Most I’ve seen IMBY is 106/68. Here near the sound the temp spreads are very moderated. Some places a good 10 miles from the sound it isn’t unheard of to have a 95/45 temp spread or even greater.
  8. Not going to lie that one stung for sure being just a few miles away. I think the precip moving in is too light to really bring down the snow level here. 37 and raining here. I didn’t expect much the past few nights but this one had potential.
  9. I just guessed 20”. Glad I got my snow fix in yesterday because we’ve been royally screwed IMBY this evening unfortunately
  10. Still some decent activity down south moving north now.
  11. Really feel like in a couple hours has a good chance for the south sound. Precip forming further south. Looks favorable for Olympia and Tacoma.
  12. Looks like some more widespread coverage is developing in SW WA and lifting north. We’ve got a few more hours to go. Comical miss here but the night is still early for some of us who haven’t scored yet.
  13. lol, about 5 miles too far east earlier and now this time about 5 miles too far west!
  14. Looks like Tacoma was a little too far west…but Tacoma narrows dropped to 36 under heavier precipitation. I think our chance will be in about an hour. If I had to guess we will have a couple diffrent bands move through before midnight. Hopefully atleast one works.
  15. Looks like you might just be far enough west. Theres more bands developing down south that look promising hopefully they can get up this way without falling apart.
  16. Pretty nuts that bowerman field in hoqiuam is 33 and snow currently. The mid afternoon snows out on the coast today have been impressive. Gives me a little hope here if we can get some meaningful precipitation.
  17. Yeah, besides some trace snowfalls in January and February we haven’t done so good this winter a few miles north either. We will just have to see how tonight goes.
  18. Wow looks awesome! Hoping for something like that tonight for us south sounders!
  19. Can we save the Minnesota global warming takes for after this interesting weather coming? There is lowland snow happening right meow.
  20. Yeah, like you said a bit ago…I don’t see a ton of precipitation to the south yet. It is still pretty early though lots of time for that to change. I think if anything precip intensity will be the problem for not getting snow in south sound tonight.
  21. Well hopefully the snow falling out on the coast bodes well for us later. It’s just been either too warm or too little precipitation to work with the past few days IMBY. Tonight seems like our last chance to string something together.
  22. Oh yeah as long as I’ve been here he’s been this way. I was just using the late February/early March period last year as an example. I don’t mean my comment to be offensive to him…but he just ignores forecasting details that show things he doesn’t like. When you do that you’re setting yourself up for disappointment.
  23. Lol, yeah it sucks but it is what it is here. Some years just don’t perform. I think Jim’s willingness to ingnore unfavorable details and wishcasting kind of bites him in the a** and sets him up for disappointment. I love his optimism and enthusiasm for this stuff but it was the same thing last year this time as well. He constantly kept getting mad over marginal events not working out.
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