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Everything posted by TacomaWx

  1. I feel like it’s kind of to be expected for it to be tough to snow so late in the season especially…snow is always a marginal fickle thing around here. I feel like that’s also part of what makes it special when it does manage to happen every now and then.
  2. Just seems like precipitation has been underwhelming and had a tendency to weaken moving NE the last couple days. Then when we finally get good precipitation rates it’s mid day. I feel like eventually with the amount of chances we’ve had in previous days, and still moving forward something will work out. Even if it’s only a brief trace of snow I’d be happy.
  3. Was watching the new dune movie in theaters but looks like it dropped to 38 this afternoon while I was in the theater. Hoping for atleast some white ground or something the next couple nights but we will see…
  4. Graupeling pretty good here but missed to the west here as well mostly.
  5. D*mn yeah might have to check it out. Green mountain at 1600’ seems to do better than tiger mountain at 1300’. I drive over that everyday. They’ve had a decent amount of snow this week but not that much.
  6. Oh you’ll definitely do good the next couple overnight periods. I think the next couple nights are slightly more favorable here than the last 2 nights…but I don’t know if it’ll be enough. Maybe I’ll have to take a drive to your neck of the woods tomorrow for a hike to see some snow.
  7. #blessed #foothilloverlord #snowlesslowlandpeasants
  8. You’d think Chris being close to the coast would make snow tougher there…but something I’ve learned over the years is he can actually do a lot better than me sometimes!
  9. Tonight Does look a little better than the last couple nights. Good enough for some people? Yes. Probably not here though or for some folks close to the sound below 300’.
  10. Lol I know I’m only messing around Tim-Othy.
  11. Gotta drown out the cold and snow pics
  12. Nice to see some folks get some snow last night! Nothin here…but going to see Dune Pt. 2 today so I got that going for me atleast lol
  13. 39 and light rain here. Expecting more of the same IMBY tonight just a little too warm probably.
  14. Yeah I have definitely noticed this! I’m right there working everyday and there’s typically more snow on the east side than the west side. That valley near raging river does really well…and sometimes on the west side at an even higher elevation it’s raining.
  15. Oh yea I know, I wasn’t really talking about you and Andrew. I just see so many posts of people saying “Oregon is getting all the fun this winter” when it really hasn’t been that much better there this winter outside of one event. Putting the last 7 years into perspective as well it’s been much much better here too.
  16. Lol yeah some people keep saying the lowlands in Oregon are having all the fun this winter. The January event was pretty decent for you guys but it’s not like you guys have had multiple big snow events and we’ve had nothing up this way.
  17. Bizzare how much higher the snow line is compared to here. Snowline is like 200’ higher here I’d guess. Looks like it’s over 2000’ on Si.
  18. You guys in Oregon seem to do pretty good with early spring snowfalls based on recent years. Your odds are probably a little higher than ours up this way…but I haven’t extensively looked into the models like I normally would. Just been checking the precip maps…925mb temps and surface temps here occasionally.
  19. With several rounds of potential overnight precip coming the next few days I wouldn’t be surprised if atleast one night did work out for some people. Still a chance. For the most part though…the next few days the only people who are probably going to be scoring big are the typical favored spots.
  20. Yeah, overall I didn’t really expect much last night. Maybe another night over the next few days will work out but I’d expect more of the same mostly. slightly too warm and not heavy enough precip. On my drive to work in snoqualmie this morning the only place I saw snow on the ground was tiger mountain. Even here at 900’ we’re just below the accumulating snowfall line.
  21. If I hadn’t worked 12,12,12 and 14 hour shifts consecutively the last few days I might stay up streetlight watching lol. Way too exhausted though I’ll probably still do one or two slush checks!
  22. Just got home from work. 34 degrees and rain/snow mix currently. Hasn’t been coming down too hard since I’ve been home but there was a bit of slush on my neighbors windshields.
  23. Overall the radar looks more Impressive than it actually is though.
  24. Snowing hard but not sticking yet in snoqualmie.
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