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Everything posted by iFred

  1. He seems to fancy his golf carts. Ok, serious face time again. No one is banning cars or wind mills, unless somehow Andrew manages to seize power after storming Salem. If we get to that point, we'll have other problems to worry about.
  2. Ok, serious face, the extraction of any resource will leave the surrounding environment impacted.
  3. If you keep posting right wing nonsense, I will report you to the CRTC.
  4. Most people know that gasoline fires are actually pretty easy to put out and the dangers from them are usually overblown by environmentalists. I huff some of the stuff before going to work at Boeing. If anything, gasoline is just a refined morning pick me up.
  5. Massive amounts of synthetic estrogens are in all of your plastic kitchenware.
  6. Mao had a great quote about putting a wealthy man against a brick wall. Don't remember the exact wording, but if we are bringing up some of the greatest thinkers of our time, I think he had a few good things to say.
  7. Were last nights lights easily visible or did you need to do a bit of an exposure? I checked at 11 in Everett and saw nothing.
  8. https://www.explorefall.com/fall-foliage-map
  9. Need to get a week or two of warm and sunny days and above average nights in the first couple weeks of September to turn that dial to 11.
  10. What are your views on telling people they are wrong about their local winter precip conditions? If you have a family member that tells you they love a cozy dark and damp day, do feel a primal urge to disown them? Lets say a wizard lived in a valley and was the keeper of marginal negative temperature anomalies, do you feel something in your bones to call 911 and demand a welfare check on their residence?
  11. Looks like we have a good shot for a block fest.
  12. Oh man, if he is like that other Tim we had then I am going to lose my mind.
  13. Yeah, did that drive last November on a bright and sunny day. Roads were warm, the sky was clear, and with little traffic, I was heating up my induction breaks. Also going up that road is so fun.
  14. Deadman's Pass on I-84 outside of Pendleton. I had to go down this in a Penske moving truck in haze, easily one of the scariest drives I've ever done.
  15. Oh thats right JoeyApples I think, from New Yawk City.
  16. I love those kinds of unusual perspective shots of skylines and mountains. I was a washed in joy coming down Cabbage Hill and catching a glimpse of Mt Rainier.
  17. It’s ok for people to have differing opinions.
  18. Beautiful afternoon in Bellevue with some moody skies. Car thermometer was at 75º but it feels cooler.
  19. https://mediamatters.com/report/social_media/forum_reports/strikeback.php?=antimarinelayer https://revolutionnow.cn/projectamerica/reactionaryreports/reeducationrequest.php?=antimarinelayer https://theweatherforums.com/codeofconduct/agreements_unitedstates/antiwhiteness_pledge.htm
  20. How come you get to sit on top of the equity of your house while others have to rent? That equity should be taxed.
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